Subject: 💡 Here are the answers to your questions...

Hey there my friend, it’s

Many of you have sent in your
questions about what
HitsConnect can do for you - so
here are some answers:

Q: What is HitsConnect and what
does it do?

A: HitsConnect will record the
number of clicks on any links
in your website, so you can
keep track of affiliate
programs, link exchanges, or
create a referring link for
anyone you're trading traffic

==> You can learn more here…

Q: Is HitsConnect hard to set
up and use?

A: HitsConnect is extremely
easy to use. If you can copy
and paste, you'll be set up and
ready to go in just minutes!

Q: Do I need a separate account
for each link I want to track?

A: No, all of your links can be
tracked from one account...

HitsConnect can dramatically
increase your profits by letting
you know which ads are making
you money and which ones are
a 🗑️ waste of time...

If you're not tracking 
everything you're doing online,
there's no doubt you're leaving
behind a lot of money that
should be in your bank

HitsConnect gives you a quick,
easy and simple way to recover
that extra revenue for almost
no effort...

Your partner in success,

P.S. I almost forgot…

Besides all the other ways
HitsConnect can make you money
that I told you about above, it
also hides your affiliate link
for you.

This stops anyone from stealing
your affiliate commissions by
changing your links.

How much would that be worth to

It's a no-brainer - go check it out
right now…

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