Subject: ✅ From dead-broke to beach-front. This is how we did it…

RICH: “I’m tired and I can’t do
this any more!”

ME: “What do you mean?”

RICH: “I hate living in

I started internet Marketing so
I could live where I want. Like
Puerto Rico, but every time I
bring it up, you don’t want to
know about it.”

It turned into a full-blown
shouting match.

Rich had steam coming out of
his ears…

And I was sobbing, thinking we
were gonna break up and I would
have to go back and live at my

Truth is – I had become a dream

I had all these crazy fears
about moving to a Tropical

That we would be eaten alive by
giant insects or get lost in
the Jungle.

Now that we live on the
Paradise Island of Puerto Rico,
none of those things happened,
but at the time I was letting
my FEAR get in the way of our

How did we turn this around?

First - I had to get over my fear
and realize that if I didn’t,
then we weren't gonna make it
as a family…

So I agreed with Rich that we
would leave Massachusetts and
go live in Puerto Rico for at
least a year. 

If we really hated it, we could
always come back.

Second - We needed to make some
serious money because our
Internet Marketing business was
dying a slow death. 

Our income was disappearing
faster than a toupee in a

That’s when the Power Lead
System (PLS) changed our life…

We put all of our efforts into

We made $5k…

Then $10k…

Then $50k…

In just 6 months of focus, we
had made enough money to pay
off all of our debts…

On November 8th, 2021 we moved
to the beautiful island of
Puerto Rico

Click Play To Watch The Video…

Let me tell you what this story
is really about...

If you want to make your dreams
come true, then you need two

1- a VISION for your future

2- And a PLAN to make it happen

You’re reading this email
because you already have that
vision (I hope).

As for the PLAN?… That’s where
we come in.

Rich and I - and our PLS family
are on a mission to set another
100 families FREE in the next
12 months…

We want to set YOU free from
the rat race and the chains
that are keeping you trapped.

However, we can only work with
you if you are REALLY sick and
tired of living paycheck to

If that sounds like you, then
watch our full story on this

>> Click Here For Your PLAN To
Escape the Rat Race And Find
Your Freedom

See you on the inside,

Ace aka “Sexy Island Girl”

​P.S. If you don’t hear from me
tomorrow, it’s because I’m
working on my tan…LOL

P.P.S. Sharing is ❤️ caring!

Hopefully Ace’s story inspired

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