Subject: ⚠️ Failure guaranteed❓

This is not all doom and gloom.

Let me explain…

I was smitten, I liked this

In the Internet world, I guess
you would consider him a
🤠 “guru”.

But he’s just an average “Joe”
with a trophy wife that’s done
good for himself.

I’m talking about 🤑
multi-millionaire status here…

But he’s like 🎆 fireworks!

He’s all over the place…

In real estate, make money
programs, in personal

…and the list goes on.

When I get an email from him, I
NEVER know what it’s about..

And I’m always surprised and
🤔 skeptical too!

So, his latest dig got me

I don’t give up my email too
easily these days - but I opted
into his latest venture.

It’s a webinar (ugg!)... Always
long and pitchy.🥱

So I cheated - in a way…

I waited a couple days and got
the email with the pitch..


Over $400.00!😲


What’s worse, is that it’s not
his training - he got other
“gurus” to contribute to this
product so it’s several


To the untrained eye🧐, it
appears that it is a heck of a

In reality, it’s a money trap
and a road to nowhere.👎


It’s too complicated!

The vast majority of people who
fall victim to this won’t do a
single thing. 

No one wants to go through
several different programs..

No one wants to log into
several different websites..

…Just to get one solution to a

Would you?

Now, I don’t know you
personally, but I can guess
that you’re probably a busy

I’m sure you don’t want to add
anything to your life that’s
complicated and time consuming.

If you ever fell for a program
like the one I described above
and failed, well it’s not your

These types of programs are
guaranteed failures!⛔

These gurus know it and only
care about selling you the

They don’t care if you’re able
to create the dream they sold

This is why you want to keep it

If you want to make money,
choose a program that is simple
to do and has the path laid out
for you.

Your partner in success,

P.S. There’s something you
really ought to know about
making money online. 

It’s important. 

I’ll get into it in the next

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