Subject: 💣 Dummy...

I was waiting for the bomb to
explode 💥 - and I felt like a
complete idiot!

Hey there, it’s Corrisa.

I remember one of my mentors

Be in a place where you are
celebrated, not just tolerated.


That fateful day, I was
definitely not celebrated. 

I was about to become
collateral damage - if what
they said was true!

It was just another work day for
me at one of California’s largest

I was in a cashier’s "cage" when
I noticed something quite odd…

Customers were quickly being
ushered outside.

What’s going on?

Fear began to set in.

You know that pit at the bottom
of your stomach 🤢 when you feel
something bad is about to

It’s that uneasy feeling.

I noticed that the ENTIRE
casino was completely empty
except for a few security

I looked to the other cashiers
in the cage with me for some

I got blank stares of

Finally after quite a LONG
time, someone told us that
someone called in a 💣bomb


My next thought was..

Why am I still inside of this

What I was told next, made me

You cashiers have to stay here
and guard the money because you
can’t just leave it unsecured.

So, I have to risk my life
guarding someone else’s money?🤨

I didn’t say that, but I wanted

I felt vulnerable and exposed
and I felt like a numb nut.👎

What dummy stays inside of a
building that just had a bomb

So, this is how this casino
treats their valued employees?

I was just collateral damage to

They could have cared less if I
lived or died.😵

This would be the event that
gave me the courage and
permission to say good-bye to
this job.

Are you at a job where you feel
like you’re not valued as a

If so…

What are you going to do about

Unless you have a STRONG desire
to change your circumstances…

It will be difficult to take
the actions necessary to have

When you finally get to a place
where things MUST change…

The next step is to choose a
business that has the potential
to replace that job without:

1. Selling a lot of products

2. Recruiting a lot of people..

Make it easier for yourself to
have success - not harder.👍

Enjoy the day!

P.S. If you’re struggling to
stay motivated, I have
something that may help. 

Stay tuned!...

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