Subject: 😡 Did you just lie to me?

I'm a skeptical believer...🤔

Notice the emphasis on the word

So, back when I was brand
spankin' new to the home
business industry…

I asked my soon-to-be sponsor
ONE question...

So how do you market the

Long pause…

Don't worry, we'll teach you
all that when you join.

Liar! ðŸ¤¥

That hesitancy told me
everything I needed to know.

But I joined anyway...

And thus the struggle began.

My marketing "training" consisted
of making a list of friends and
family to pester.

Uggg! That is not marketing!

I remember the frustration and
anger as I failed miserably
with this business.😭

I felt like a loser!

Have you ever felt that way?

Then you know the feeling.

This is the lesson I learned...

​Giving people an "opportunity"
is virtually meaningless unless
you show them how or tell them
where to get the how.

The "how" is where you'll make
your money.

A lot of people get this

Get this wrong and you're on
the path to failure.😩

More on that later.

Your partner in success,

P.S.  This is the "how" a lot of
our people are using to make
💰 money in their business.

The funny thing is that it
works for any business..

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