Subject: ✅ Death or Success?

I couldn’t believe what I was

I was younger…


And frankly wanted success
badly - or so I thought.

I was on a biz opp call with a
massively successful upline.

I hung on to every word she

You see, I wanted THE 🔑key to
success - and I knew she had

Then she said the phrase that
would become ingrained in my
mind for the rest of my
entrepreneurial journey…

If you ever want to succeed in
your business, you have to want
it as badly as you want to


That’s the secret?

I felt so let down and that I
😕 wasted my time.

In my mind, I didn’t feel like
I should get to the point of
💀 dying before I found success.

Fast forward a few years - and
I can tell you she was
absolutely right!👍

I don’t like the death analogy,
but NOW I see what she was
getting at.

I’m sure you would agree too!

There has to be a very
compelling reason why you want
to be in business for yourself.

What’s driving you? 

Are you drowning in debt or
just want a better 🌴 lifestyle?

Or maybe you’re just 😪tired of
struggling like I was and now
you want to make REAL money.

Sometimes, it takes getting fed
up to make that change.

This is why you have to hear
this lady’s story…

Let it inspire you to help you
go hard after your dreams…

Your partner in success,

P.S. Did you know there’s a
🐢 slow way to make money -
and a faster way? 

More on that later..

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