Subject: ⚠️ [*Caution*] Be careful about doing these things online…

There’s a lot of things you
need to worry about online -
and these are just a few of

Hey there my friend, it’s

On top of the plethora of scams
online, you also have to worry
about programs that have been
abandoned by their owners.

These programs still have their
websites up - still collecting
money, but do not deliver the
products and services that have
been paid for!

This has happened to me and
I’ve learned my lesson. 

Here’s how to ⛔ avoid 
becoming a victim:

Contact Support and Ask a

This does 2 things...

1) It lets you know that the
product and service is being
supported and... 

2) That there is someone there
that can help if you run into a

Use Caution When Paying With
Debit Cards 

Any card that is tied to your
bank can be a recipe for
disaster. 💥

Your card could be charged the
wrong amount, charged long
after you’ve canceled or
refunded the program/service,
and/or charged multiple times.

If given the option, use an
intermediary service when
possible like PayPal or a
credit card

At least you have something
that can 🥊 fight for you if you
ever run into problems.

Be Cautious of Programs in

That means that the owner is
trying to raise money (by
getting people to join/invest),
so they can open the doors to
the business. 

I’m sure you’ve seen programs
that have been in pre-launch
mode for years! 🙄

Some programs never open for
business and a lot of those
that do, close up shop in a
couple of years.😆

Just something to be aware of
when you see the word

There’s risk in everything, but
newer companies tend to be a
lot riskier.

I hope you found these tips

Your partner in success,

P.S. Do you know where your
💲sales are coming from? If not,
I can guess you’re wasting a
lot of time in the WRONG

​Stay tuned!🙂

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