Subject: ♨️ Can you feel the Heat?!

Hot! Hot! Hot!

I remember an upline saying

Success won’t happen until you
want it as bad as you want to


I remember thinking that was a
scary 😲 thought. 

There had to be some analogy
that is um, maybe more

Years later, when I finally
began to make money, I
understood what she meant.

I got it.💡

From time to time, I like to
think back at what she told me.

I like to search for something
that is more meaningful and
powerful that makes people
really understand what it takes
to succeed…

Here’s what I came up with…

You have to feel the 🔥 burn of
the flames…

Before you finally get it

That will never happen if your
feet are 20 feet from the

You need to be inches from it..

Go all in and be committed…

Nothing happens until you feel
the burn…

I like that better than the
death ⚰️ analogy…

What do you think?

Your partner in success,

P.S. Feeling sad 😪 due to the
passing of Tina Turner, but I’m
proud of her for turning her
life around. 

She beat the odds when society
said she was too old and washed

Everyone was against her - even
her own thoughts. 

She then began to believe in
herself and her talent again.

She felt the burn - and then
became unstoppable!

Be Unstoppable!

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