Subject: 🙂 Can $7 bucks really change your life❓


Imagine what it would be like if you could
start a profitable business for a measly
$7 bucks...

Hey there, it’s Corrisa.

Do you think people would be MORE inclined
to look at business that just cost seven
dollars to get started?

Well yeah - right?! 👍

You’d get less resistance...

While at the same, you get to build your
trust and credibility factor with your

Introducing the $7 marketing funnel.

It’s a funnel and business-in-a-box all in

No primary business is needed to make this

Heck, you don’t even need your own
autoresponder - use ours.

Don’t be fooled - there’s a lot of value
here..which is why people stay.😍

You can learn more here.

Your partner in success,

P.S. Before you spend tons of money on
yet another program, see how this $7
program may be just the thing you were
looking for...


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