Subject:Ā šŸ˜² Bullies tortured my son every day. So we did thisā€¦

ā€œMom, I just donā€™t get it...Ā 

Why are they so mean to me?Ā 

Iā€™ve never done anything to

Angel (my son) had tears
running down his face...

This was the third time in 2
weeks he came home from school

Bullies had tripped him up and
pushed him over...Ā 

Then they laughed in front of

He even walked home because he
was afraid to ride the bus
where bullies would torture him
the whole way.

See - Angelā€™s different...Ā 

Heā€™s a ā€˜nerdā€™. Heā€™s
genius-level smart.Ā 

And he doesnā€™t care about
ā€˜girlsā€™ or football like most
teenagers do.

My heart was breaking again.

If youā€™re a parent, you know
how I felt.

Iā€™m a tough little girl from a
rough area in Jersey.Ā 

Iā€™m like a Wolverine. Nobody
messed with me.

I wanted so badly to march into
that school and beat the sh*t
out of those horrible bullies.

But of course, I canā€™t go
around assaulting teenagers.

So we decided to get the hell
out of Massachusetts.

And moved to Puerto-Rico...

Now Angel gets homeschooled ā€“
he loves it.Ā 

His grades were already good,
now theyā€™re even better

Heā€™s sooo much happier now.
Hereā€™s why:

ā€“ He has a new circle of
friends (more like him) and
loves hanging out with them.

ā€“ He finally learned how to
swim and is always spending
time at the beach.

ā€“ His allergies and asthma
attacks have disappeared. His
health is better than ever.

ā€“ He loves the Island, has new
favorite foods and his fave
drink is a Virgin Pina Colada.

ā€“ Heā€™s got a nice sun-tan and
his self-esteem has

I could not be a happier Mom!

Angel also started helping us
with our affiliate marketing

Heā€™s learning to become an

Iā€™m looking forward to the day
when I can sit in a hammock
drinking Pina Coladas...

While Angel runs the business,
I can work for him, maybe a
couple of hours a day... lol.

All of this was possible
because of the Power Lead

I know you want to make BIG
changes for yourself and your

You can hop on a zoom call with
us this week teaching you how
to do it.

Take that first step right now!

Click The Video To Play

Talk soon,

Ace Guzman aka ā€œMomma

P.S. Sharing is ā¤ļø caring!

Hopefully Aceā€™s story inspired

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