Subject: ⛔ Broke?

Why do I ask such a thing? 😯

Let me explain…

Hey there, it’s Corrisa.

You see, this IS the time of
the year where people…

Jump into a new business
because they:

*Think what they got isn’t

*Are tired of trying to make

*Want to try a (fill in the
blank) _________Amazon, Etsy,
MLM, any “Hot” new business

You know, I almost HATE going
to YouTube…

Every video ad I’m forced to
watch has a pitch for a NEW way
to make money (yeah right!)..🙄

Do this, don’t do that…

Do that, don’t do this…

That doesn’t work anymore, but
this does…

I made 1 million dollars in 30

I can see why people get so
confused, frustrated, and even
lose a lot of money falling for
these programs.👎

They will never reveal to you
the complete truth.🤥

And that is what keeps people

This is the dark underbelly of
the home business industry…

Here’s what I say…

Don’t just chase after money…

Believe in what you do - the

What you promote MUST have

I like to tell the story of a
family friend who has all these
degrees and licenses but…

Thinks there’s nothing wrong
with chain letter style cash
gifting schemes…😩

Where’s the value? There is

Lastly, if you’re a beginner or
have had trouble making money

Choose an opportunity that
shows you HOW to build the

Let January be the month where
you get clarity on what you’re
gonna do to have massive
success this year…

Your partner in success,

P.S.  Did you know there’s
thousands of ways to get
traffic, but only a handful
that produce good conversions? 

More on that later…

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