Subject: ☹️ Bad news...

I had a bad dream!

But let me backup for a

You see, it’s been a pretty bad
week! 😭

I’m sure you’ve heard about the
horrible news that has unfolded
out in California this past

Sometimes you want to just
🙀 scream!

Not another one!!

But good will it do?

Do you feel yourself getting
accustomed to - bad news?

I’m beginning to almost expect

This is what happened to me…

My dream (or nightmare) started
off with me 🚗 driving on a

I immediately had a “voice”
telling me to get off on an
exit that I was not familiar

I remember 🤔 hesitating…

But I did it anyway.

Then the odd thing is that my
dream skipped ahead…

The next thing I knew, I was
laying outside my car on the
ground with a bunch of other
people around me…

I then felt an overwhelming
fear come over me as I could
hear someone shooting a gun off
in the distance.

I looked in the direction the
shooting was coming from and
could tell it was getting
closer to me.

I felt trapped!

It almost felt like I was
paralyzed and couldn’t move.😨

…And then my dream suddenly


First of all, I almost never
remember my dreams and…

… Two -  I have never had a
dream about shootings before…

I think the lesson, if there is
one, is to be ⚠️cautious of my
surroundings - but not to the
point where I’m fearful all the

That’s no way to live.

After all, most people don’t
fear being caught up in a mass

What people fear is not having

You know, not having enough
money to pay the rent or
mortgage, pay for their kids’,
🏫 college education, and not
having enough money to put
towards 👵 retirement.

Those are realistic fears that
people deal with on an everyday

Wouldn’t you agree?

The silver lining, if there
could be one, is this…

You have complete control over
how much money you want to

You may want to re-read that

There IS 💰 money all around you.

You just have to know how to
tap into it.

Your partner in success,

P.S. Do you know what the ONE
thing seniors fear the most? 

I bet you’ll never guess this
one - unless you’re in
🌞 California! More on that later…

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