Subject: ⛔ Are you losing money?

This is so heartbreaking…☹️

Hey there my friend, it’s Corrisa.❤️

There’s a saying in business that the math
doesn’t lie.

Really look 👁️‍🗨️ at what you’re promoting.

How much money are you making on the front

Is it recurring income?

Are there any back end offers you’re
getting paid on?

These are important questions you have to

I see a lot of people spending all their
time and effort promoting offers that pay
diddly squat!☹️

...and there’s no back end offers to get
paid on.😲

Some offers are better put in a marketing
funnel because it’s not worth your time,
money, and effort to promote them as a
stand alone offer.

This is one of the reasons why a lot of
affiliates give up in frustration🤬. They
don’t do the math.

When  you’re looking for a primary
opportunity, you’ve got to look at the
potential you can make with the offer. 

Are you getting 💰 residuals

If your customer decides to buy later, do
you still get paid on the purchase. For
most affiliate programs, the answer is a
flat out no.👎

In addition to looking at the
product/service (it has to provide value),
you have to make sure the compensation is
fair to you.👍

Your partner in success,

P.S. If what you’re promoting is not
working for you, make sure you watch this.

P.P.S. Still doing MLM? Let me share some
eye-opening things that may change your
approach to your business. Stay tuned!

Want to help those in Ukraine? Here are
some verifiable charities. So 😭💔!

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