Subject:Ā šŸ˜² Are you looking at me?

Have you ever had the feeling
that people were looking šŸ‘€
at you?

I have.

I guess Iā€™m to blameā€¦

I do sometimes draw attention
to myself - but not on purpose.

You see, I had just walked into
my local Winco grocery store
and had to get a grocery šŸ›’cart.

Now, this is the part of
grocery shopping I dread šŸ˜†-
other thanĀ  when I have to bag
my own groceries!


There are šŸ§‘ā€šŸ¤ā€šŸ§‘ people behind me -
waiting on me to get my cart
and basically get the heck out
the way!

Itā€™s not so easy.

I have to ā€œtest-driveā€ each
cart - and Iā€™m holding up the
line of people behind me.Ā šŸ¤¬

Theyā€™re starting to stare at

This is serious businessā€¦

Iā€™m choosing a grocery cart -
but not just any old cart..

The first one had some kind of
old food wrapper in it and it
looked wet! Yuck!!Ā šŸ¤¢


The next one would not steer


Can you imagine pushing a
grocery cart full of groceries
that veers to the left?!šŸ™„

The next one - letā€™s just say
it made an awful clankity-clank

So needless to say, I rejected
that one too!

The fourth one was the šŸ€charm!

No grossness..

No steering issues.Ā 

It was šŸ† golden.

Why am I so picky?

The last thing I want to do is
to push a misbehavinā€™ cart
through a massive store like

Iā€™m here to buy groceries, not
punish myself.

So, when I choose a grocery
cart - I want THE cartĀ thatā€™s
gonna last me the length of my
grocery visit, give me the
least amount of trouble and DO
what itā€™s supposed to do.šŸ‘

Can you relate?

Itā€™s the same way, when I
choose a business.

I donā€™t want a business - I
want THE business..

I want a business thatā€™s going
to do what it promises.

Iā€™m sure you feel the same.

Bad businesses are a
dime-a-dozen nowadays.

When youā€™re looking for a
business to partner up with -
think long term.

Here are some questions to
think aboutā€¦

Is this another here today,
gone tomorrow business?Ā 

Do the products have value?

Do the business have both low
ticket and high ticket products
built-into it?

Itā€™s hard to get to $10k a
month selling $10 dollar

Donā€™t settle for any business.Ā 

Be picky!

If a business canā€™t help you
achieve your financial goals,
why even bother with it?šŸ¤”

Til next time,

P.S. If you hate being rejected
- then this is the kind of
business model you want to

More on that laterā€¦

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