Subject:Â đŸ”„ Addicted to plastic? You’ve gotta check this out...

Hey there my friend, it’s

Confession time...😇

I use a LOT of plastic and I’ve
been trying to find ways to use
a lot less - and this is one
thing I found...

It’s a food wrap - but it’s no
ordinary food wrap.

It’s called Etee.

And if you’re concerned about
your đŸ€’ health, you may want to
carefully read the following...

“Most plastic products, from
sippy cups to food wraps, can
release chemicals that act like
the sex hormone estrogen,
according to a study in
Environmental Health
Perspectives.”  NPR

Which is why I'm so excited😁
about this truly game changing
natural and reusable food wrap
from Etee (Everything Touches
Everything Else).  

I ❀ love it because:

1. It reduces your exposure to
plastic by using natural
organic ingredients

2. It eliminates plastic waste

3. It keeps your food fresh.

It's made from organic Beeswax,
coniferous tree resins, organic
essential oils (jojoba,
cinnamon and clove) and...

A touch of Non-GMO soy wax
infused in a hemp and organic
cotton cloth.

If you want to say goodbye to
plastic and begin preserving
your food in natural, reusable
ways, then you’ve gotta see how
this works!

Let me know how you like it!

Your partner in success &

P.S. Did I mention that these
new food wraps are reusable,
biodegradable, organic, and

▶ Click here NOW to see them in

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