Subject: would you like a bag for all that cash?

Happy Freedom Friday Friend!

Question for you.  

What would it be like if, when you went
to the bank to make a withdrawal, the
teller, (instead of asking if you wanted
an envelope) 


'Would you like a bag for all that cash?' 

Funny thing is, that's exactly what 
happened to me when I went to the bank
yesterday with my 9 year old son Kashton.

The little guy had me running him 
around so he could earn some money.

Hearing the bank teller ask his 
dad that question was the perfect
inspiration for the start of his work 
day.  :-) 

I shared the full story, along with some
other great money making lessons
on today's edition of 

You can also listen in by dialing 
712-432-0990 Access 565762#

*There are a few great marketing tips
in there too.

Hope you enjoy the audio Friend
and that it can be profitable investment 
into your better future. 

You have greatness within! 

PS - Our company just recently received
2 of the biggest compliments ever

No, it's not some random reward, 
certificate or meaningless paid endorsement. 

Instead - it's recognition from from 
the people we built our company for. 

Can I share with you Friend?   

Here's the first one... 
And here's the next one from today... 
There's a great lesson here Friend. 

Kevin and Amy are not Newbies, they are 
veterans of the home business 

They've been around the block and 
seen it all.  

They are paying us with the most 
valuable and rewarding currency you can 
possibly receive.

Do you know what that currency is Friend? 

It's Trust. 

Most people in home business are 
looking for the quick money.  

I have no problem with quick money, but 
what I prefer even more - is quick money
combined with stable, consistent, long 
term money.  

And do you know what the only way to 
stable, consistent, long term money
in home business is Friend?  

You got it, trust

Fast money messages are a dime a 

Companies, communities and people
you can trust to be there for you and 
and do the right thing are much more 

And that's why Kevin and Amy's trust
means so much to me.  

It's something that's NOT given lightly 
and it's something that's not super

To really have someone's trust, means
something special in today's day and 

My challenge to you Friend, is to
to what you need to do, 

and be who you need to be... 

To earn and deserve trust in the market.  

The world needs more trust.  

The world needs more people it can 
count on. 

The world needs more companies 
who are working to do the right thing.

Let's be the change we wish to see
in the world Friend, and as we
do, I have a feeling we'll be blown 
away when we experience what 
happens to... 

~ Our bank accounts... 


~ Our soul accounts.  

It's up to us.  
Hutchings Marketing LLC, 165 W Pacific #393, Blackfoot, ID 83221, United States
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