Subject: too broke for bankruptcy...? (only 3 days left...)


Before I get to the point of this email, 
I want to congratulate, 

~ Steve Blanchard from Great Falls 


~ Sheila Hobbs from Houston 

who both filled out this form, applied 
the coupon code of '1111' and 
claimed the 44% discount on 
builder tool (AKA Money Making Lead 
& Auto Sales Conversion Machine)

Be aware : this discount vanishes 
Friday at 11:11 PM. 

OK back to the point of this email. 

One of the things that stuck out to 
the host mentioned in his story that 
there was a time when he was too
broke to file for bankruptcy. 

At first I laughed out loud because 
the line struck me as odd.  

Then he explained that it actually 
costs a few thousand dollars to 
engage in the bankruptcy process
and that he couldn't even afford to 
do that.  

It reminded me of something I heard
Jim Rohn say one time - that being 
broke was one of 'life's ultimate 

I didn't realize it was possible to be
too broke to be broke. 

Now if that's where Mike's story 
ended - certainly Jim would have
been right, and my friend would 
have stayed stuck in an ultimate

Fortunately, Mike realized that 
the only way out of a bad situation
was to make a new decision and
chart a new course for his life. 

As he explained Monday night, he
got around the right people, began
using the right tools, took massive
focused action and everything
changed for him. 

He went on to earn multiple millions
escaping from an ultimate negative
by stepping into a great big positive!  

Mike's story gives me great hope 
that things can change for others too.

That's why we created our company.
To provide products and an affiliate
program that can help turn things
around for others in an effort to 
be the change that makes the 

At the end of the day, that's what I 
believe this funnel builder tool can

A change that makes the difference. 

When used right... 

Not only can it help you get more

It can help you get more quality leads. 

Leads that come to know, like and trust
you so they'll want to do business with

Of course this leads to more sales, and
more sales leads to more commissions
and more commissions leads to more
freedom which is exactly what we're
dead-set on helping people create. 

This must have tool is literally a fraction 
the cost of others like it (as explained
Monday), works better and has support
and training from six and 7 figure earners
that makes it look like we're being cruelly 
unfair to all of our competition.  

(..and that's ok with us because we're not 
thinking about our competition, we're 
much more obsessed with helping you!)

Did I also mention that this incredible 
lead machine also pays $20 residuals 
for each and every referral?  

I feel like this product is irresistible 
on it's own and that the right people 
would be insane asylum crazyto not
pull out their credit card and buy it 
on first site even at the full price of 

This is probably why Steve and Sheila 
made the smart choice and snatched
it up immediately with the 44% discount.  

Alas, I realize our product and offer is 
not for everyone Friend and so, if 
you already have all the leads, 
customers, residual income and freedom 
you can handle, 

By all means - do NOT take me up on 
this offer.  

This offer is only for people who are 
serious about making a change like
Mike did above. 

It's for people who know that for things
to change - they have to change. 

It's for people who realize that there are
valuable lessons and shortcuts to be 
learned up from those who've gone

..and who are ready to take those
shortcuts instead of slugging it out on 
their own for un necessarily long periods
of wasted time.

If that's you Friend, 

*Just follow the instructions below the video.

If you do decide to get started with me 
and our funnel builder tool before the 
clock hits zero, and enjoy the huge savings 
your first month,'ll also receive an email from 
me plugging you into special tools 
& resources I only give to my personal 

So be sure to use the coupon code: 
1111 at checkout and we will see you 
on the inside!

PS - Yes Friend, you cando this
and I'll be there to help you on the other
Hutchings Marketing LLC, 165 W Pacific #393, Blackfoot, ID 83221, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.