Subject: How to tune your brain into the channel of abundance.

Let’s say that you were a fan of a specific sports team.

As a matter of fact, think of your favorite team.

Do this, right now.

If you don’t have one, just pick a random team.

Now, let’s say that they were playing a big game.

A rivalry game.

And you wanted to watch it on TV.

However, for some, dang reason, the TV was stuck on one channel.

It was stuck on channel 6…

But your game was on channel 7…

How frustrated would you be?!

I don’t know about you, but i’d be extremely frustrated.

And to add to the fact that the TV channel was stuck on 6…

You have the remote in your hand the entire time.

Now - this is a bit odd, but do you know how many people live their everyday lives like this?

They are so frustrated with the channel that they are tuned into.

They are tuned into the poverty channel, but want the abundance channel.

They are tuned into the hate channel, but they want the love channel.

Whatever channel they want, they are tuned into the opposite.

But they have the remote in their hands the entire time and don’t know that they can simply push a button and turn the channel.

To tune your brain to the right channel that you want, it is the same.

All you have to do is simply push a button to change the channel.

Here’s the button you need to push:


To Your Success




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