Subject: How To Become A TOP Producer And Not A Consumer -Your #1 Habit



Oladimeji here wit a little story.


A student was once asked by a teacher:


"How do you ensure your online business is growing and succeeding?"


The student replied 3 things:

1. Watch training
2. Read training
3. Review all the training I just learned


These are great, but the teacher explained that they will be a problem.


The problem is that they are "consumer" activities.


It's a bad thing, because you become a professional at what you do often.


Consuming is the last thing you want to do if you own a business - you must PRODUCE.


It also depends on the business model.


For instance, if you are in the business of market research, that's another story.


But the main thing required to be a top producer is to become a professional producer, 
not a professional consumer.


It's about getting people to come to you to get their hands on what you have to offer.


And this is done by doing activities that PRODUCE INCOME.


Not sure how?


Then, these are the best steps to take>>>


Follow them carefully, and you'll be at TOP producer status in no time.




To YOUR Success





P.S. - Want to give away free membership passes and earn commissions?...
How is this possible? Find out here:

Warmest Regards,


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