Subject: Done For You A.I Profits For Friend

You might have heard how Chat-GPT can...


Write articles, research topics, make sales letters.


But did you know there's a secret HACK...


That turns GPT into a $55/hour CASH ATM?


==>> It’s true, see the demo here:



The trick is to use “advanced cash hacks”.


These secret code words unlock the big profits with AI.


They let you operate like a top marketer, using GPT to…


Build websites, code software, create videos, get traffic...


You just need to know the "cheat code" to enter into the AI.


==>>Get 30x AI cheat codes (all DONE FOR YOU) here:



But there’s a problem…


These "cheat codes" are very long and detailed.


Only advanced "prompt engineers" with techie skills can write them.


Plus, you need to choose the right "AI model" and settings...


BUT.. when you DO create them, the AI does everything else!


And it works forever - one command can be used on ANY topic!


Simply take the "affiliate site" prompt...


Paste in some words about an affiliate program and...


An instant $400/day affiliate campaign is made!


Grab the $100/day eCom command it BUILDS eCom products.


And these are just TWO of THIRTY AI sequences that are 100% DFY!


==>> See the other 28x in the flesh here:



OK, now here's why I bring all this up today.


This guy Chris has been playing with AI since 2018.


Loooong before Chat-GPT appeared...


He's been making millions for 15 years...


Way before online AI was even a thing...


And today, in 2023, he's been "hacking" Chat-GPT (and 5x other AIs).


He's PERFECTED the best, most profitable 30x AI prompts...


That let him automate his ENTIRE six-figure affiliate business...


And now, he's giving you ALL his best prompts, just a click away!


So.. all you need to do is:


1. Open his DFY AI app

2. Paste some text in from any website

3. Click go - and watch as the AI builds you a new, unique, income-generating asset!


It really is THE most done for you tactic I've ever come across.


It needs to be seen to be believed, so...


==>> Click here to get started:





To Your Success




P.S. There's ONE CATCH: the price increases IN THE NEXT HOUR. And then every hour after that!


==>> So click here to setup your instant AI commission app:









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