Subject: Do You Have A Plan B?

It's a good idea to have a "Plan B" in business.


When things go pear shaped as they can possibly do - absolutely out of your control.


What do you Do?


Read this below now for some tips -


When things in your life turn dark...


It doesn't always have to be a bad thing. If you have a Plan B.


Several years ago during the Super Bowl, there was a blackout. Literally. The lights in the stadium went out. Nothing but darkness. The game came to a screeching stop.


Many advertisers were ticked off, because of the time lost for the ad space they purchased.


Oreo, on the other hand, decided to get creative and take advantage of this blackout opportunity.


They quickly tweeted, "It's still no problem to dunk in the dark."


Their fans loved it.


Business went through the roof.


And best of all?


It didn't cost them a single penny.


Most companies were ticked off and focused on the money they lost.


While Oreo hit a homerun.


The take from this - what's your plan B?


Just as Mike Tyson says, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."


ALWAYS have a plan B


Here's yours>>>




To YOUR Success


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