Subject: Do This One Thing For Yourself Today.



Are you a creature of bad habits?.


As most of us are.




You're here on my list.

I'm really glad you're here.

So I'm going to ask you a favor to do one thing.



One simple thing to get your business moving forward.

To move you one step closer to your dream lifestyle.

I don't even care however long it takes you.

If you've been procrastinating, now's the time to take a
stand and get stuff done.

Here's the reason I want you to do this:

It could be the thing that pushes you over the edge into success!

That one small act can trigger much bigger acts as a result.

Tons of studies and research proves this.

In fact, many people now are developing "habit plans".

And I urge you to do this as well!

If you like to watch TV when you get bored, tell someone
to take the batteries out and hide them.

On the TV remote, write "Get back to work"

Any habits that take away from increasing your bottom-line,
X it out of your life.

Everything you do must be calculated to increasing your business.

I'm not saying you're to become a robot and not have any fun.

You need downtime of course.

But if you find yourself engaging in more downtime than working,
you have a problem.

Today, do something for yourself that's truly productive.

Not watching, reading, or soaking in info. But actually DOING something!

Enough said.

Yours In Success,




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