Subject: Are You Working Smart Or Working Hard?

Hi Friend,


Life isn't fair sometimes.

I got to thinking since my last email to you and it occurred
to me that some people who work so hard feel like they
are getting ahead.

But when someone new comes in and does their task with a
quarter of the effort they've been exerting, they get sour.

Let's face it...

There will always be people who will discover new ways of
getting results faster than you could ever dream of.

You will NOT know it all.

That's why it makes sense to simply let them forge the way
and simply copy what they are doing.

I apply this to my own internet marketing career. 


I model successful people (mentors) who have already made it online and simply
copy them.

Leverage their success to fulfill yours.

That's working smart.

Here's to your success,




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