Subject: Wrong Way To Use Traffic Exchanges

MK IM Clinic

<< Wrong Way To Use Traffic Exchanges >>

Hello Friend,

in the coming few weeks, I going to talk about using Traffic Exchanges to drive traffic to your website.

First, here is my story.

I have just signed up a fantastic online business and I am excited. I want to promote it on Traffic Exchanges (TEs) because they offer a fast way to get hits to my sign-up page.

So, I furiously clicking for credits and allocating them to my business opportunity sign-up or offer page. In the end, I am wasting my time, effort and perhaps even my money. I have zero sign-up and no sale.

So I concluded that "traffic exchanges don't work" but I am wrong. It's not that traffic exchanges "don't work", it's just that I do not know HOW TO MAKE THEM WORK!

If that is what you are going through too, don't feel bad. It's not your fault. Most newbie TE users make the same mistake. Probably 90% of TE users do not use TEs properly.

They do not understand that posting your business opportunity sales page or squeeze page on TEs DOES NOT WORK. But, why?

Is it because TEs are bad? NO!

It's because people do not surf TEs to sign up for a business opportunities. Moreover, these people most likely already have a business opportunity that they want to sell to you!!

Then, why do people surf TEs?

Good question. In actual case, people surf TEs because they want to GENERATE TRAFFIC to their own website.

Remember TE surfers are in a hurry. They click for credit to promote for their own page. So when the timer counts down, they will move to the next page and instantly forget yours.

Just don't jump into conclusion that TEs "don't work" or that you should stop using them to build your business.

TEs are GREAT but ONLY if you know how to use them.

Alright, tell me how to use TEs.

You want to know more... then stay tune to my next newsletter.

To Your Success,
Khoo Michael
Internet Marketing Clinic for Beginners