Subject: Effective Way To Use Traffic Exchanges

MK IM Clinic

<< Effective Way To Use Traffic Exchanges >>

Hello Friend,

Thanks for coming back and I know that you are serious about using TEs for your online business.

As we know before, TE surfers are looking for ways to get traffic and they are NOT interested in signing up to your business opportunity. So, we need to adopt a more intelligent, INDIRECT approach.

Think about what TE surfers need most. They need TRAFFIC!
What can you offer them that will help them get what they want?
What if you could show them how to get more traffic?
What if you could show them HOW to get more traffic and then show WHAT the best tools are to do the job?

But remember two things:
1. TE surfers are NOT surfing on TEs to buy your stuff.
2. TE surfers are in a hurry.

So, if you want to grab them, you need to offer them something they NEED and they want it FAST and FREE!

To do this, we will use a "splash page" on the traffic exchange.

Your aim is to get the surfer interested enough to CLICK THE BUTTON on your splash page and go to your squeeze page, which will usually open in a new browser window so that the prospect can view it outside of the traffic exchange.

The squeeze page is where you exchange the TE surfer's email address for your freebie! Your freebie can be a report, an ebook or a video that is related to what TE surfers need most - TRAFFIC!

Our aim is to get the TE surfer to join your autoresponder mailing list. The email address in the squeeze page is linked to your autoresponder opt-in form. The autoresponder will send them a confirmation email. After they click that, they will be able to download your free report.

Then you might be wondering what does this method has to do with your business opportunity. Well, I will explain that on the next newsletter.
To Your Success,
Khoo Michael
Internet Marketing Clinic for Beginners