Subject: CB Store

   Internet Marketing Clinic For Beginners 

<< CB Store >>


Hello Friend,

Thanks for your interest in CB Store.
We know Clickbank offers the best commission (50% - 75%) in the affiliate market. That's why a lot of affiliates promote Clickbank products.

The CB store at my site is managed by CBProAds. What they do is make use of Clickbank XML feed to deliver different services like Clickbank product ads, Clickbank storefront / Clickbank mall, Wordpress plugin, etc...

You can own a Clickbank main storefront to promote CB products without knowing the technical stuffs. There are also niche storefronts for targeted audience which you can promote too!

If you have your own website, you can make use of their Ad rotator to increase your earning potential.

It is free to join. Of course, free members have limited features like your Clickbank ID is only 50% time embedded on your main or niche storefronts. If you want the full access privilages like 100% time your own Clickbank ID embedded on your storefronts, then you can join the Pro account for one-off fee with a lifetime validity.

There are many more other features which you can take a look here.

PS To connect with me, you can join my site Facebook group.

To Your Success,
Khoo Michael
Internet Marketing Clinic for Beginners