Subject: Who You Chasin'?

Saturday, October 19, 2024

MY Peoples!! I send you warm greetings, much and many thank you's for your kind words and emails, and strong words of encouragement.

I know you're probably growing weary of all my emails as of late. By now you're probably ready to just hit delete! But I just can't help myself. I just have to write. I have received SO many emails from all of you regarding Steve, my DVD Series, and the FREE copy of my contract. But I picked out two particular emails that I want to share with you for a few reasons.

The first is from Dave Hilson and says as follows:

Mr. Davis,

"Thank you for sharing the e-mail with us. Only an up front businessman would show someone a negative opinion that he received (as misplaced as it might be). In contrary to "Steve", you present the information and let people decide for themselves, and have made no false claims, or misleading information. As for me, I gained an amazing amount of information from your e-book and I plan on getting more products from you.

As for me, I would like to personally thank you for the information, and look forward to more instruction."

Thanks again,
D. Hilson

A few people have made reference to my willingness to share with all of you the "bad" as well as the good in terms of emails and feedback. And I think Dave says it right. When I present this Million Dollar Opportunity to you I make NO false claims, exaggerations, nor have anything to hide. Why - because I'm not desperate!

EVERYTHING that I express and layout in my ecourse, in the Seminar DVD's, my training video, and all my newsletters I have personally done - either good or bad! Every strategy that I mention on the DVD's I have personally done and/or continue to do. If it works - I tell you. If it doesn't - I tell you.

As those of you whom have either attended the Million Dollar Seminar or purchased the DVD Series can attest, I go into GREAT detail about all of my costly screw-ups. Why - SO YOU DON"T HAVE TO! There's no sense in you wasting in excess of $200,000 when I already have!

Another point that I'd like to make is I don't have to sugar coat, lie, mislead, or give anyone false info because I'm not focused on making money! Are some people turned off by my style? Yes - just ask Steve (LOL!). Are there some of you whom like my style and information? Yes - and I thank you all everyday!

But here's the point - and it's very important and I continue to stress it to all of you. Do NOT chase money! If you focus solely on chasing and making more money I promise you (1) you're going to go broke and (2) you're not going to be true and honest to yourself!

Rather, (1) be honest and upright, and (2) focus on chasing customers. Why - because when you're honest the truth will lead you to success and behind the customers IS the money!

Now what the heck am I talking about? Well, Steve said that I'm desperate to sell my "programs." But realistically, nothing could be further from the truth. I make a lot more money outside of my online business. But the reason why I do make money is not because I'm chasing money. Rather, it's because I'm focused on helping people and meeting the needs of my customer - which includes you!

I honestly can't tell you of my joy knowing that so many of you are pleased with my information. But by focusing on making my information the best that it can be, focusing on helping all of you to duplicate my success, I don't have to worry about chasing money! Money will always find ME.

The ecourse - it works! The Seminar - it works! The software - it works! Etc., etc, etc.

And now, listen to a great email from Carlos:

Hey Joel,

"What Steve wrote was pretty entertaining along with your commentary to his statement. I haven't had the pleasure of attending the previous seminars you've had, I've been busy building my own business since purchasing your E-course last summer. Apparently, Steve is not a go-getter because my CELL PHONE RINGS non stop of people seeking transportation, some we've had to turn down. We hooked up with our counties transportation system and because we do some of the things they don't, they use US as a referral! LOL. Not one time since I've been in this busy... Have I had to advertise, its not that I can't afford it, it's that I don't have enough vehicles to meet the demand.

I live in a retirement capital and the demand is overwhelming!!! And because I know there are still things I need to know and learn about this business, I'll be purchasing your DVD series tomorrow."


Everyone should applaud Carlos. Think about how awesome this is for him. Now do you think I'm not humbled knowing that my experiences, my screw-ups, my victories, my failures, my successes, and the wisdom of my "programs" are positively helping Carlos and an untold number of other entrepreneurs. Heck yeah! It's awesome!

Now I go back to my previous point. Do you really think I'm chasing money? Or, am I chasing people?

My advice to all of you as you start and build your businesses is never to chase money. It's a loser's game. You'll go broke and you'll lose yourself. ALWAYS focus on helping people because when you do, money will ALWAYS find you!

Carlos started his business less than a year ago. And now, his phone doesn't stop ringing! Trust me. It's a great problem to have.

I promise you, this opportunity works. I sucked it up and paid the price for the first two years of my business. Now, I spend more time investing in other ventures, making more money, and traveling than I do in my transportation company. And guess what, a year from now Carlos is going to be in the same situation.

So to all of you, I encourage you to take care of the little things, focus on your customers, be honest and upright, and never stop learning. Success and education is never a final destination. They are never ending journeys!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477