Subject: Which Statistic Do You Want?

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Hi Friend,

I hope this message finds you and yours doing well and that
all your personal and business endeavors are prospering.

I would like to share with you some recent comments that I
received via email in the event you too share similar
thoughts and concerns. They are as follows:

"I am very eager to start but this is going to be my first
attempt at starting my own business. I am a dedicated and
hard working person but I am concerned of the risk. What
assurances does your course provide to assure your customers

Well, the short answer is absolutely none!

I give no assurances that you will be successful if you
start your own medical transportation company - or any other
business! Ultimately, your success depends on you, your
efforts, your desire, your leadership skills, your team
building skills, and your decision making skills.

The Million Dollar Newsletter, my ecourse, and the Million
Dollar Seminars are VERY detailed in providing you and
thousands of others with literally a million dollar
opportunity in the world's fastest growing market. But it's
only an opportunity.

You can choose to take advantage of such an opportunity or
you can choose to let it pass. Further, if you choose to
take advantage of this Million Dollar Opportunity but you
only invest a half-hearted effort, then you certainly can't
be surprised that you only receive a half-hearted return!

I do not keep it a secret. This Million Dollar Opportunity
is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. This is NOT one of those
checks" scams.

Rather, I will call this Million Dollar Opportunity one of
those "work-hard-for-two-years-and-bust-your-butt-and-then-

Is my ecourse a real opportunity? Absolutely! For a
nominal investment I'm going to literally instruct you on
how to start a real and legitimate business.

Is the Million Dollar Seminar worth the investment? I won't
even answer that! I'll let you listen to and read the
testimonials from previous attendees. They say it better
than I ever could.

But instead of trying to "sell" you on this Million Dollar
Opportunity, here is my real message for today:

Although the US economy is ripe with opportunity, our
societal economic conditions continue to change and evolve.
We are no longer living in an industrial age – a period in
which you work for a company for forty years and then retire
with a pension.

Today, statistically, the average adult person will change
jobs eight times before reaching the age of retirement.
That means that each working person will face the real
reality of layoffs, closings, downsizing, and the desires
for change in occupation.

This means that if you're currently working for someone
else, then you're part of this statistic. I'm not saying
this to be mean or judgmental. This is just the reality of
the situation.

And don't get me wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong
with working hard for someone else! It is very honorable as
employees are obviously essential to our workforce. And
after all, if I didn't have employees where would I be?!

But I'm not talking about employees. I'm here to talk about

Friend, the fact of the matter is that you don't get
rich counting someone else's money. And if you're working
for someone else you're counting someone else's money!

Even if you're working on an assembly line you're still
counting someone else's money. You're paid by the hour or a
fixed rate as you watch product pass that assembly line.
But rest assured. The more products that roll down that
line the more money someone else is making – not YOU!

Only 1 percent of US millionaires are comprised of CEO's,
Presidents, and the like from sizeable corporations. So
unless you're a CEO of a serious corporation, how do you
plan on achieving millionaire status? How do you plan on
creating wealth and retiring early?

Obviously, I can't answer that question just like I can't
tell you how successful you're going to be in any business
venture. But what I can tell you, Friend, is that
almost 80% of all millionaires are self-starting

Now that's the statistic that I want to be a part of!

Not only are those numbers more favorable for creating
wealth, but it squarely puts the burden and responsible for
my success on my OWN shoulders. It's called self-
determination and yes, it is definitely American!

If I succeed, it's because of me. If I fail, it's because
of me. But regardless, I'm not going to sit around
collecting a fixed or nominal paycheck while someone else
hirer in the food change is making the lion's share of the

This is America – the land of opportunity. And there's no
other land with so many opportunities as that of ours. So
you have to ask yourself a series of questions, Friend.

First, are you maximizing your opportunities?

Next, which statistic do you want to be a part of?

Do you want to be one of the average working adults that
changes jobs no less than eight times before reaching the
age of retirement? Or, do you want to be part of the 80% of
millionaires that create their wealth through

And if you're like me and you believe the latter, the next
question is what are you going to do about it? If you'd
like to change your life, create wealth, create time, and
create flexibility how are you going to do it?

I know how I did it. I know thousands of others that are
doing it. Do you?

If you'd like to discover a real Million Dollar Opportunity,
one that's going to make you money in an up or down market,
then visit us at And
when you're ready to jump to the head of the line, you can
join us at our upcoming Million Dollar Seminar by visiting
us at

Friend, if not now, when? If not you, whom?

Time is going to continue to tick regardless of what you do.
But are you going to let time and opportunity pass you by?

I know I'm not!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1475