Subject: We're NOT breaking wood!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hi Friend,

I hope this message find you and yours all doing well and
that your business endeavors are prospering.

I\'m writing to share with all of you in the Million Dollar
Transportation Community so very important information about
our upcoming September 30th Million Dollar Seminar.

A week or so ago I received a message from Teresa Montoya
from California. Teresa purchased the Million Dollar
ecourse and is excited to attend the Million Dollar Seminar
and to start her own Million Dollar Medical Transportation
Company. In her message from last week she wrote:

"I have attended seminars and workshops in the past that are
supposedly hosted by celebrity entrepreneurs. But when you
get there they are led by underlings. If I come all the way
to New York, how do I know that you are really going to be
there and that you are going to be teaching the seminar? I
am not coming if you are not going to be there."

Teresa Montoya

Needless to say, I reassured Teresa that yes, I am
personally going to be leading the majority of the
instruction on September 30th – even though I\'m not a

To Teresa\'s satisfaction, I told her that I would be
conducting all of the instruction in the morning and into
the afternoon. I will then be followed by Kathy, my Office
Manager, and then Aaron, one of my accountants. With the
help of Warren, my Director of Operations, I will be giving
all of you hands-on-training on some of my vehicles and

Since this first message, Teresa and I have traded a few
follow-up messages. And today, she was kind enough to share
with me the following message that she recently came across.
The message is from someone that attended a real estate
seminar hosted by one of the countless self-proclaimed real
estate \"gurus\" on the market.

Teresa sent me this message as an illustration. She said
that this person\'s experience was not far off from that of
hers. Needless to say, if that\'s the case it\'s pretty scary
to think of how some people operate their seminars.

So, without further ado, let me share with you the
information that Teresa forwarded to me:
\"As an alumna of Robert Allen's Creating Wealth seminar, I
felt moved to write to thank you for taking the time to
provide a much needed service to the public.

By the time I took this course, a Neuro-Linguistic
Programming expert had added his techniques to the seminar,
resulting in a total immersion weekend of information and
emotional bonding/sharing underscored by NO outside contact,
rock music blasting from a state-of-the-art sound system
(complete with smoke machine) and a grand finale-- ritual
"breaking through" a piece of plywood with our bare hands,
to symbolize emerging through our blockages to wealth. I
couldn't afford to stay in the hotel each evening, so I
commuted back and forth from Los Angeles the entire weekend.
I remember feeling SO elated on the drive home each evening,
that it felt like I was in some kind of ecstatic trance: the
car seemed to float along the freeway and I would arrive
home too excited to sleep.

Motivational speakers enthusiastically inflated one's
self-esteem, from early morning to very late at night and
(almost incidentally), Robert Allen was present at the first
and last sessions, talking about his wife and kids, his
philosophy on finding one's life purpose etc.; like a kindly
paterfamilias who genuinely wanted to help each participant
to succeed in life in general, and real estate in particular.

The main idea was, if you can get real (i.e. confront some
of the painful/traumatic beliefs about yourself that are
keeping you from being successful), you can get your estate.
What perfect market timing. Here was a newly created niche
of former mid career aerospace workers, with wounded
self-esteem, LOTS of time on our hands, very little
investment knowledge, but with large lump sums of buy-out
cash on hand! The worst memory I have, after a few days of
role-plays and confessions to total strangers some of my
most painful childhood memories and disappointments, was the
final evening. After days of speeches, applause, dancing,
laughter, exhilaration and hugs, several hundred people of
every imaginable description were now seated on the floor in
a HUGE circle.

The room was now dark, except for several dozen flickering
votive candles that seemingly appeared out of nowhere, as
the soothing sound of birds chirping and water trickling
softly came through the speakers. The NLP expert used a low,
hypnotic tone of voice to take us back to a time when we
first felt loved, and asked us to write about the
experience. Even now, I remember the astonishing,
overwhelming feeling of love that enveloped that room; so
much so that many others and I present, began to weep!

Then, suddenly, the room lights came on, the candles were
extinguished and we were handed a questionnaire to complete
and guided out of the room, past tables displaying tapes and
books for sale, strategically placed near the exit. I felt
so utterly duped and devastated at that moment. I filled
both sides of the questionnaire with my feelings of
psychological rape, which it took me years to heal from!

What we basically got was a very expensive encounter seminar
weekend at a Disneyland hotel. No one from my group made any
money from any deals that I'm aware of, other than one guy
who bought a building in the San Fernando Valley that was
later damaged in the earthquake. The last I heard he managed
to qualify for some type of government funding to demolish
and rebuild.

The only thing this weekend taught me was to be VERY wary of
anything remotely resembling NLP or any other encounter
group, and ESPECIALLY to be wary of any real estate seminars
thus disguised!\"

THIS IS PATHETIC! WHAT A JOKE. This mans experience is
disturbing. All he wanted was to become rich in real estate,
not make Allen rich or engage in some sort of psychobabble!
Unfortunately, I had to learn the hard way back in my 20\'s
by buying every real estate gurus books and seminars, boy
did they make me feel good, but the next morning I woke up
depressed, because I had no idea how to get started. I later
learned that if you want to make money in real estate hook
yourself up with others that are actually doing it, pool
each other\'s talents and get started.\"

Again, the previously described story was forwarded to me by
Teresa. It is not her actual experience, but as she said,
\"it is almost identical\" to that of hers.

So, where am I going with all of this?

Why am I sharing this pathetic story with you?

The reason I\'m sharing this with you is so that I can
specify exactly what you can and can not expect when you
attend the Million Dollar Seminar.

Let\'s start with what you should not expect at the Million
Dollar Seminar

1. There is no feel-good music or smoke machines
2. You will not be holding hands, doing visuals, and
wasting time trying to find your mental happy place
3. We absolutely will not be breaking boards – I\'m far
too fragile for such stupidity
4. There will be no candles and the lights will remain
on the whole time
5. I\'m not going to be discussing anyone\'s painful or
traumatic past experiences
6. There will be no tables of endless book sales. DME
will be available for a highly discounted price for which
you can speak with Kathy about in advance
7. There will absolutely be NO fluff or feel good
nonsense that puts you in an \"ecstatic trance!\" And, if
your car is floating – you\'re high! Lay off the drugs!

Now, let\'s discuss what you should expect at the Million
Dollar Seminar

1. You will be learning from me – SOMEONE THAT\'S
LITERALLY DONE IT! I practice what I preach. Unlike most
of these BS real estate gurus, everything you will hear from
me I have literally done. Like the others, I\'m not just
selling books!
2. You\'re going to learn how to avoid wasting well over
$200,000 of mistakes through trial and error as I did
because no one was there to teach and help me
3. You\'re going to learn how I started with one
vehicle, a cell phone, no prior experience, and a whole lot
of motivation and built my transportation company into a
Million Dollar business
4. You\'re going to learn countless insider strategies
that are going to allow you to position yourself to be the
best medical transportation company in your community
5. You\'re going to learn how to think outside the box
to find new money-making opportunities for your business
6. You\'re going to learn how to protect and insult your
business from liability issues
7. You\'re going to learn how to find, train, lead, and
manage a professional staff of dedicated employees
8. While starting as economically as possible, I\'m
going to show you how to build your business so that you too
can put your business on autopilot
9. I\'m going to show you how to position your business
so that you\'re not a slave to your business
10. I\'m going to show you how to establish your business
so that you\'re making more money, having more personal time,
and going on more vacations
11. You\'re going to get first hand knowledge and
experience on industry specific vehicles and equipment
12. You\'re going to learn how to use lift, wheelchairs,
and stretchers – even how to operate stretcher with one
person – something most people don\'t do because they simply
don\'t know how!
13. You\'re going to learn how Kathy puts my business
\"on lock down\" so that we ALWAYS collect our money!
14. You\'re going to learn how to make money when it
rains or snows, whether the market is up or down
15. You\'re going to learn how to collect your money from
private pay recipients and from Medicaid
16. You\'re going to discover how to position your
business so that you can go to Medicaid and demand more
17. You\'re going to learn how to form strategic
partnerships that generate revenue and save you money
18. You\'re going to learn how to create a real game plan
that\'s going to position you to potentially qualify for
grants and loans
19. I\'m literally going to give you a secret that I use
everyday to guarantee my success – a strategy that I
guarantee my competitors and yours are not using
20. And much, much, more – to include good food!

Are you getting the point? I could go on and on. The
Million Dollar Seminar is absolutely NOT going to be a feel
good nonsense waste of time event full of fluff. Just think
of the Million Dollar ecourse – is it full of fluff? Heck
no! And neither is the Million Dollar Seminar – Guaranteed!

So as a reminder, make sure that you have read and re-read
\"How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation
Company\" PRIOR to attending. I can promise you that we\'re
going to be going over a lot of very important material and
information so you need to already be well versed with the
information in the Million Dollar ecourse.

In two days I\'m leaving for Italy for almost three weeks.
I\'ll be returning a short few days before the Seminar. But
while I\'m gone, if you have ANY questions, I encourage you
not to hesitate to contact my office. Kathy and Warren are
well versed in my expectations and all matters regarding the
Million Dollar Seminar. Our office number is (607) 797-1475,
Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM.

Your time for commitment is here. Your time for action is
upon you. And our time together is at hand. I look forward
to working with and meeting you on September 30th!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis