Subject: We're Live!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

From an internet café in Rome, I send everyone within
the Million Dollar Transportation Community the warmest
of greetings! I hope that this message finds you all
doing well and that business is Booming!

I wanted to send you a quick note with some great
news. Our new site,,  
is now live!

During our pre-launch period, many of you have invested
in Kathy's new "How To" ebook on how to improve your
dispatching so as to increase your profits and efficiency.

But now, the site is active and everyone can now
download this great resource right after processing your
payment. There's no delay!

As I mentioned in previous correspondence, this is a
great resource that I guarantee is going to improve your
dispatching and logistics.  Further, you will use this
resource as the "Official How To" guide for teaching all of
your dispatchers.  You'll want to make this mandatory

So you definitely want to get your hands on this ebook.
Kathy has spent considerable time and effort writing 
"Dispatching for Dollars" and I helped her in editing it - so
I can definitely tell you first hand that this is a great read
with excellent tips and strategies.

"Dispatching for Dollar" WILL help you become more
efficient and it will help you generate more profits while
saving more money!  If Kathy can do it for me, I
guarantee that she can do it for you!

And for ONLY $59.95, your decision to invest in
"Dispatching for Dollars" is an easy decision!

But I don't need to waste your time selling you on this
great resource. Once you get your copy you'll see that it
was well worth your investment.  You'll see that Kathy's
techniques and strategies are worth your investment!

Think about it. If you can pick up one idea, tip, technique
or strategy from Kathy that generates even one more trip
per day or reduces your overhead expenses even a few
dollars a day, then it will be well worth your investment! 
But I guarantee you'll be making and saving much more
money with the help of "Dispatching for Dollars!"

So don't delay! Visit us today at  and get your copy for
ONLY $59.95.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

PS: For those of you that qualified for an invitation to
personally partner with my on my New Business
Opportunity, keep checking your email. I will have an email
for you shortly. I promise!

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