Subject: WOW! Heck of a Response!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thank you to everyone that responded so quickly to my
invitation to partner with me in a new business opportunity! 
My goodness, I am thoroughly impressed!

I sent out the previous message about this new money-
making opportunity literally about 7-8 hours ago and we
have literally been flooded with emails from so many of you! 

Seriously, thank you much and many.  I am truly flattered
that so many of you are interested in partnering with me in
this new venture.

HOWEVER (and this is a BIG however), I have to repeat for
some of you that I will ONLY be extending this invitation to
those of you that have invested in my ecourse AND either
attended one of my Million Dollar Seminars or invested in my
Million Dollar Seminar DVD's. 

There are a few reasons for this. 

First, I have to be selective.  I'm not looking to partner with
everyone!  Rather, I'm looking to partner with key people
that I know are serious about building their own business
and building multiple streams of income.

Secondly, my loyalty is with you! 

If you took that "leap of faith" and invested in my resources
because you saw the opportunity and/or because you
believed in my abilities to "deliver" a quality opportunity, then
I wish to extend another opportunity to you - a FREE

Again, this is a FREE opportunity for you.  It costs you
absolutely nothing to be a part of yet you'll have the
opportunity to generate hundreds and thousands of dollars
every month.

I've already invested a great deal of time, money, and effort
into this new venture and I can assure you that if you wish to
partner with me it will literally cost you nothing!  You only
stand to make money!

So again, thank you to all of you whom have contacted me. 
This is a great opportunity for you to "get in on the ground
floor" before I begin to advertise this opportunity on a national
basis later this year.   

For those of you whom I do select, in a short few days you'll
be receiving emails and updates introducing you to this new
opportunity and further explaining how you can get involved. 

And remember, this new opportunity has absolutely nothing to
do with the transportation industry.  So, don't worry about
managing a business that conflicts with your transportation
business.  There's nothing wrong with having a diverse business
portfolio.  To the contrary, I insist that you do!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

PS:  It's worth me reiterating, this opportunity is only for those
of you whom have investing in BOTH the Million Dollar ecourse
AND either attended my Million Dollar Seminar or invested in my
Million Dollar Seminar DVD Series.  If you haven't met both of
these requirements, please don't take offense to it.  It's nothing

PSS:  If you do qualify and haven't yet contacted me with your
interest, contact me as soon as possible at  In the subject line please
put "Joel's New Opportunity" so that it does not get filtered out. 
Further, please include your full name, email address, state of
residence, and a contact number. 


Are you a Millionaire?