Subject: VERY Important Question of the Day

My Million Dollar Peeps!

First and foremost, you guys are awesome.  I saw many of your emails in response to previous Questions of the Day, but Dan, Dawn, and Charlie said there were plenty more I didn't see - many of them accurate while amusing at the same time.

I trust you know that my "Questions of the Day" are inspired by various situations and circumstances our client-providers around the country are experiencing.  

We do a LOT of contract work for our client-providers - contracts and service agreements for gaining business with hospitals and facilities, acquisitions, partnerships, etc.

With that being said and to give proper context for the following question, it's important you understand that despite you being smaller in size, capacity, staff, revenue, etc., as compared to that hospital, medical center, rehab facility and the like, you ARE the CEO of your company.  

Ergo, your business means as much to you as your counterpart's facility/organization means to them - probably more because you're the owner and you started your business from nothing! 

Therefore, when you're sitting across the negotiating table, you really don't need to be intimidated by what you might perceive as a "David versus Goliath-type scenario."  

Notice, I said "counterpart?"  Despite how they might talk, act, and perceive you, don't be fooled - you're equal.  

In fact, you should feel empowered because your seat at the table underscores they have a problem, they need something, and you have the solution.

Now, for the Question of the Day which is very simple and straight forward but requires some serious self-awareness and honesty:

Are you allowing others to dictate terms to you, or do you dictate terms to them?  

YES, there's a need for strategic concessions.  YES, there's a time for strategic negotiations.  YES, there's a time to have an "iron hand with a velvet glove."  Don't get misunderstand my point.

I have to ask this question because I'm seeing too many client-providers getting "steamrolled" - agreeing to ridiculous terms, rates of reimbursement, and unrealistic obligations that are hamstringing your operation.

TRUST ME, TRUST ME, TRUST ME, I know many of you are absolutely confused, beguiled, and charmed by the bull$hit hopium gospel readily available online in group chats and from the "national organizations" advocating their agenda and that of Medicaid brokers versus YOUR best interest.  

Seriously, when you're reading the hopium, regardless of source, "read the fine print" and ask yourself "If I do what they say, am I serving their agenda or are they serving mine.  Am I empowering them, or are they empowering me?"

Trust me, we see and experience the after-effects every single day as we work to "pick up the pieces" from those broken businesses.

The happy hopium, the "warm and fuzzies," the hearty handshakes, the bright smiles in person, on video, etc. do NOT pay your bills and they certainly don't grow your "honey pot!"  

And please, I encourage you, FACT CHECK everything I say - here and in all my videos.  

It seems like new regional brokers are popping up every week.  They all sound SO GOOD, but the transportation provider AND customer experiences are all trash.  

In my next video (coming soon - I promise!), I'm going to provide proof positive of the increasing need for NEMT services, so when your counterpart sitting across the negotiating table tries to be a tough-guy and steamroll you, you can strategically tell them to go $hit in their hat!  

You have MORE power than you think! 

I apologize, what was supposed to be a quick "Question of the Day" has already turned into a doctoral dissertation!  OMG!  I can run with it, so I'll stop here and save it for next time.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Maximus Management Group, Inc., P.O. Box 10, 13737, Bible School Park, United States
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