Subject: Time Sensitive - Open Soon!

Joel's West Coast Seminar
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  As
always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that business
is booming!

This is a reminder to ensure that you make appropriate hotel reservations
with the Garden Hotel for upcoming West Coast Seminar at the end of

The Garden Hotel contacted us yesterday to remind us that they will have
various other functions and events going on during this same weekend so
they will not be able to hold rooms at the discounted rate for the next five

When you contact the Garden Hotel, make sure that you reference my
Medical Transportation Seminar so that you receive the discounted room
rate of $69 per night.

This event is quickly approaching!  So if you haven't yet made your
reservations, you need to stop sitting on your hands and take action. 
For those of you that have, that's awesome!  I look forward to meeting
and working with you. 

But some of you are too funny!  I've received many of your emails.  You're
so skeptical on if "Joel Davis is real" that if I was walking on water you
still wouldn't be convinced! 

Trust me, this is very much a "real" event and I can assure you that when
you walk out of this weekend event your entire thought process with how
you approach the medical transportation industry will be different!

I guarantee that you will look at this industry and business in general
completely different! 

If you don't believe me, visit me at and watch the video
testimonials all the way through to listen to just some of those who
were in attendance at my last event. 

As I mentioned before, our entire industry is in a state of flux.  It's
changing.  And if you don't change with it, you're not going to be around
long.  I'm not trying to scare anyone, I'm only sharing facts!

Consider this.  We have all wasted money on nonsense, failed
endeavors, holiday gifts, and more.  Heck - you've even wasted more
money on old girlfriends and boyfriends and how's that investment
working out for you now!? LOL!

But such is life.  So if I'm wrong, you will have "wasted" some more
money (but that's not going to happen!).

But if I'm right, you will have gained immeasurable knowledge and
strategies that will help you exponentially build our business and make
more money!

So stop being so skeptical!  We have much to do and much to learn
and you certainly can't do it if you're stuck in neutral sitting on your

The more you learn, the more you earn!  And I'm going to give you a
LOT of knowledge and strategies.

Click Here to Stop Delaying and Make Your Reservations

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group