Subject: This is an Enemy to Your Success!!

How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company
Saturday, October 19, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Community!  As always, I hope that
this message finds you all doing well and that business is booming!

One of our biggest enemies for us as entrepreneurs is complacency. 
Especially when you have achieved success, it can be very easy for
complacency to set in and, when it does, the next thing you know you're trying
to operate on cruise control. 

Let me share with you the tail of two different business owners.

The first started his NEMT business in 1996 (three years before I started mine!). 
In 2006 his business reached its peak of annual revenue in excess of
$3,000,000.  Today, 6 years later, this same business has annual revenues of
less than $1,000,000 and, obviously, lost significant market share.

The second started his NEMT company in 2008.  Since his business' inception,
he has diversified his transportation portfolio in multiple way to include securing
a contract for shipping and delivering produce and product in 3 states. 
Projections for 2012 will exceed $3,000,000 in revenue.

What's the difference between these two business owners?  You guessed it,

How do I know the details of these two business owners?  Because I'm
working with them as we speak! 

The first, we are working to regroup and rebuild after neglect and complacency
have plagued his business for many, many years.  And yes, he openly admits
that he has long since grown complacent after experiencing success for so
many years.

The second, we are working to develop core structure to allow him to better
manage the various facets of his business so he can further grow and increase
profitability.  Why is this possible?  Because he is NOT complacent and is
continuously being proactive!               

Clearly, these two business owners, who are both great guys, are in totally
different points of business development.

Many of you reading this message right now are thinking which of the two
patterns you fall under.  In fact, after reading this message, many people will
literally unsubscribe to my Newsletter because they feel convicted by my
words as a result of their lack of action!  Trust me, I know because it happens
all the time. 

Some people wish only to receive what they want to hear- peace, love, and
harmony.  I know, I know, everyone wants a pat on the back, have their neck
rubbed and told they're doing a good job.  Sorry, but that's a dump truck full of
crap!  And you wonder why our society has grown so soft and politically

Sorry, but many people desperately need a swift kick in the ass and/or a good
punch in the mouth of reality!  (For those of you whom that is too graphic, feel
free to click "unsubscribe" now!) 

Obviously, everyone would like to be following the pattern of the second
business owner - one of growth, ambition, and diversification.  But guess what,
not everyone is going to follow suit.

So what's the morale of the story?   If you're still reading this message and
haven't yet unsubscribed because I'm not patting you on the back or rubbing 
your tummy to make you feel all warm and fuzzy, then be honest with
yourself and start by asking if you have allowed complacency to set it.

Many people love to complain about how they don't have any money to start a
business but they can spend $30 a day on cigarettes and Starbucks.  Or, they
complain they don't have time to study a "How to" ebook or DVD's but they can 
name all the contestants on "American Idol" and tell you who got kicked off
"Dancing with the Stars."  (This could be another good time to click
"unsubscribe" if you're feeling a little offended and less than warm and fuzzy!)  

Going back to the first business owner, he openly admits that complacency set
in AFTER he achieved a great deal of success!  He got to a point where he
thought he could simply put his business on auto pilot and ride the wave to
retirement.  The next thing he knew other, more motivated and ambitious
entrepreneurs began pushing the boundaries of success and acquiring market

The second business owner, he wisely recognizes his need for continued
growth and improvement so as to AVOID growing complacent!

If you're guilty of being complacent, what the heck are you going to do about

The economy stinks and guess what - it's NOT going to get better any time
soon!!  BUT, that doesn't mean you need to participate in this pathetic

Opportunity all around us - all you have to do it open your eyes and take
advantage!  Be proactive and avoid complacency.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group