Subject: The Million Dollar Blog

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hi Friend,

I hope this message finds you and yours doing well and wishing you BIG success in all your business endeavors.

I am contacting you to inform you of a great new resource that will help you as you build your Million Dollar business. If you haven\'t checked it out already, I\'m talking about the Million Dollar Blog.

Many people have asked if such a resource existed which would offer period news, updates, and additional information. And now, one does! You can visit the Million Dollar Blog by going to and clicking on \"Latest news and Updates.\"

I just posted some good info regarding raising your rates to compensate for the increase in fuel prices. This is an important topic because we\'re in the business of making money, not losing money! And with the increase in the cost of fuel you may need to raise your rates so as to remain profitable.

So, visit and check out the Million Dollar Blog.

As always, I wish you well with your business and hope to see you at our September 30th Million Dollar Seminar – I can promise you that it will be a great event! If you missed that last one you definitely don\'t want to miss this one.

See you at the top,
Joel E. Davis