Subject: The Ghost of Christmas Future - Important Video

Hello to everyone in the Million Dollar and Broker Communities!  As always, I hope this message finds you all doing well and business is booming!

For about the last 5 years I've been sharing with everyone via my videos on there is literally a transportation REVOLUTION coming and the following video further underscores what is now at our doorsteps. 

Please watch the following video and consider what's coming and how it changes everything for curb-to-curb and door-to-door services along with the insurance industry:

EVERYTHING is going to change!  Hence, there are some of you who need to sell your business now while it still retains value.  If you don't, your value will continue to decline and you'll be selling for scrap.

All those ambulatory-based companies, peddling around for brokers, all those fixed route services - you're done!!

As I have advised all of you, you need to be focusing on door-through-door service.  Not only will you insulate your business, but you'll find greater forms of reimbursement.

I could go on and on, but I know that my message is only going to scare many of you, causing you to burry your head in the sand and hope that I'm full of crap.  

But how much affirmation do you possibly need before you head my warnings?  If you won't listen to me, just watch the following 2 minute video and see for yourself!

This is a technology "revolution!"  Again, how much more affirmation do you need?

I'm going to see some of you in a short few weeks in Detroit and then others of you in Orlando next month.  We'll definitely discuss this topic and much, much more.  I look forward to it.

Don't be scared of change.  Change is opportunity.  Adapt, manipulate, and deploy change to your advantage!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

Maximus Management Group, Inc., P.O. Box 10, 13737, Bible School Park, United States
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