Subject: The First 25% Is Gone!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Hi Friend,

Well, as of the end of March 31st it will be official – 25% of the year 2006 will be in the history books. The first three months of this year are at a close and are left only to our memories.

So in looking back, how will you remember these past three months?

How would you assess and evaluate how wisely you used the last three months?

Are you a better person today than you were on January 1st? If so, how did you better yourself and the people around you?

Over the course of the last three months, have you gotten closer to achieving your personal, financial, and business goals – whatever they may be?

If you can honestly answer yes, that you have used the last three months wisely, then I send you my biggest congratulations. You're taking consistent action that the majority of others will consistently fail to do.

If not, you have not improved over the last three months then I ask you why? God has obviously blessed you with time, so why haven't you used this blessed time to be productive – to increase yourself and those around you.

And no, there's no excuse – at least in my biased opinion! You're either taking consistent action to improve you and others around you or you're consistently choosing to fail.

To me, it seems like the last three months have gone by in what seems like the flash of an eye. The busier you are the more quickly time passes. And I am proud to say that I've been quite busy working on a host of projects.

But how much do you want to bet that the next three months are going to go by just as fast?

But what's going to be the difference over the next three months for you? At the end of June 2006 are you going to be in a better, more improved position or will you have chosen complacency and remained the same?

So what's the moral of the story? Why am I asking these redundant questions?

My point is, you're either going to leverage time or time is going to leverage you. Now, which one do you prefer?

We've all heard that saying, "time waits for no man." Well guess what. It's true!

Time is going to keep ticking regardless of what you choose to do – whether you choose to act or remain idle – whether you're motivated to achieve success now or wait for a more "convenient" time.

Friend, I obviously am unaware of your personal goals. But because you've signed up for the Million Dollar Newsletter, I can only assume that you're serious about becoming a successful entrepreneur. More specifically, you're serious about building your own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company.

Well guess what. I'm here to help you do just that – build your own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company. Why – because I'm not only motivated to improve me, but I'm also motivated to help improve others – YOU!

If you've already purchased my ecourse, "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company," then I ask you again, have you used the last three months wisely? Have you used the first quarter of 2006 to plan, prepare, and establish your Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company? Or, have you let time pass you by?

If you haven't purchased "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company" then my question is, you guessed it, why? What are you waiting for?

What's stopping you from taking bold action? What's preventing you from changing your future through entrepreneurship?

Maybe your lack of action is because you've been listening to the common song and dance sung by most naysayers – "it's too risky!" "Starting your own business is too risky."

Well, I hope that this isn't the case. I hope that you're not listening to naysayers – people with no vision and little expectations of success. Because if you want to achieve success, if you want to change your financial future, then you have to be willing to leave your comfort zone and spread your legs.

As someone once said, "Progress always involves risk. You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first."

If you've already purchased my ecourse but you haven't jumped into action, then I encourage you to aggressively steal second base before you let another three months pass you by.

If you haven't yet purchased "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company" I encourage you to stop staring and second base and go steal it! Take your foot off of first base and get going!

As Mark Twain commented, "The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one."

In "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company" I'm going to reveal how to build your Million Dollar business one step at a time.

As I always say, Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will your business. But with my ecourse, mixed with you motivation, we're going to build your Million Dollar business one brick at a time.

And when you purchase my ecourse and allow me to join you in building your Million Dollar business I can assure you that by the end of June 2006 you'll be able to look back as say "I'm a better person today than I was three months ago!"

Why – because you took bold action and made a decisive decision to leverage time rather than just remaining idle and allowing time to leverage you. You took bold action and aggressively stole second!

As always, I wish you and yours the very best and look forward to working with you. If you still haven't purchased my Million Dollar ecourse then visit us at and make your secure purchase today.

Also, don't forget to mark June 3rd down on your calendar. You won't want to miss our Million Dollar Seminar where you'll learn everything you need to know about how to build your thriving Million Dollar business, get some serious hands-on-training, and get your FREE copy of Dispatching Made Easy – a $500 value that's yours FREE when you attend.

Discover more about your Million Dollar opportunity by visiting us at

Remember, times going to keep moving. But are you going to let it influence you idly or are you going to seize your time and maximize your potential? No one can do it but you!

See you at the top,
Joel E. Davis