Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hello and warm greetings to everyone in the Million Dollar
Transportation Community.

I am contacting you with some potentially great news. Our
next scheduled Million Dollar Seminar is February 3, 2007 –
this is a definite. However, over the last two days I have
received a number of requests from people asking if I was
planning on hosting another Million Dollar Seminar prior to
February 3rd. As John from Texas says, \"I am too anxious to
wait another four months.\"

So because of all of this interest, I am writing to all of
you to let you know that if enough of you are willing to
commit to attending an \"interim\" Seminar then I will be
willing to host such an event. HOWEVER, I will need to know
ASAP!! We either commit to this as a group or we don\'t. If
we do, then I have to begin preparations ASAP. If not, then
we all wait until February 3rd.

The February 3rd Million Dollar Seminar is definitely going
to remain scheduled. But again, if enough of you are
willing to commit to one in either late November or early
December I will begin preparations ASAP. But if we\'re going
to make this a reality I need to hear from those of you that
are serious ASAP.

Here are some of the stipulations of making this event a

1. Because it\'s such short notice, I can\'t guarantee
that it will be at the same hotel. I\'ll try, but I can\'t
speak of the hotel\'s ability to accommodate our reservation.
Regardless, this possible Seminar will be hosted in the
Binghamton area.

2. Because there\'s a chance that we may have to switch
hotels, I can\'t guarantee that we\'re going to have the same
\"spread\" when it comes to food. As all of you know that
were in attendance, the Binghamton Regency puts on quite the
spread when it comes to breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the
day of the Seminar. So if we do have to switch hotels I\'m
not sure that we can duplicate \"the spread!\"

3. Don\'t worry about transportation. If you plan on
flying into either the Broome County Airport or the Syracuse
Airport and you contact us in advance we\'ll make sure that
you\'re picked up and returned. You can contact Kathy at
(607) 797-1475 with your flight information and we\'ll make
sure that we get you.

If we do move forward, I can assure you that it will be the
same quality seminar. You will hear from Kathy, my Office
Manager, Aaron, my accountant, and me. You\'ll get hands-on-
training and you\'ll discover all of the secrets and
strategies that many previous attendees have learned at the
Million Dollar Seminar. And, I\'m going to give you one
secret in particular that\'s going to guarantee your success!

In case you\'re still unsure about the quality of this
seminar, then just listen to what some of the most recent
attendees are saying about the Million Dollar Seminar:

\"Wow!! What a great seminar. This was the most insightful,
informative and inspiring seminar that I have ever attended.
The fact that the information came from someone who did it
the wrong way first and then fought against the odds and his
competitors to become one of the most, if not the most,
successful non-emergency transportation businesses in his
area made what you presented more "real". My mother, who
also attended the seminar, was so impressed with the whole
thing that she talked about it more than I did. And she knew
nothing about this business before she got to NY. Kathy was
awesome. I wish I could find someone with half the
knowledge, kindness, dedication and toughness as her.

Thanks again for doing this. It was worth every penny and I
plan to come back to your next seminar with my brother who
is my business partner. Trying to explain it to him just
doesn't do it any justice.

Hope to talk to you all again!!\"

Dwayne Boone

\"Your hearty steak will be waiting for you when you get to
Hampton. I enjoyed the seminar very much and was eager to
talk to David and get the ball rolling. I had a great time.
Totally worth every penny I spent. Thank you very much you
and your staff made me feel as though I was part of the


"It was pleasure meeting you, Kathy and Chris. The seminar
not only showed the details about the business but I also
got the dose of "self confidence" from you - normally which
you won't get anywhere. I will definitely keep in touch with
you and let you know the updates. Thanks for allowing us to
attend the seminar. "

Sushil Shirodkar

Also, later this week my webmaster will be integrating some
of the footage from September 30th\'s Million Dollar Seminar
along with some of your video testimonials on our sites. So
keep checking back later this week to see who\'s famous!

Again, if you\'re serious about moving forward and you can\'t
wait until February 3rd, then I need to hear from you now!
We have to make a decision within the next few days so that
my staff and I can begin to make preparations.

Feel free to contact me via email at or at our office at
(607) 797-1475.

As always, I\'ll see you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis