Subject: Seventy Two Hour Savings

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hi Friend,

I hope this message finds you and yours doing well and that
business is BOOMING!

This is a quick yet very important message for everyone that
has NOT yet purchased their copy of "How to Build a Million
Dollar Medical Transportation Company."

I just returned to New York from sunny Florida – and am
wonder why I came back to this cold weather!

Anyways, Kathy has informed me that while I was gone we
received many emails and phone calls from people inquiring
if/when I plan to offer another special on my best-selling
ecourse, "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical
Transportation Company."

Well, with such a demand, I guess there's no better day like

So, here's the deal. For the next three days, the next
seventy two hours, the price of the ecourse is again
ONLY $97.95.

I know this is a BIG savings! I know that many of you would
like to beat me up because you've spent much more than $97.95.

But a deal is a deal and a sale is a sale. And if you want
to save yourself at least $100 then you have three days ONLY
to purchase your copy of "How to Build a Million Dollar
Medical Transportation Company."

Remember, in "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical
Transportation Company" I'm going to reveal how to start
from scratch, like I did, and build your venture into a
million dollar business that you can put on autopilot.

If you're ready to save $100 and discover what thousands of
other entrepreneurs are doing everyday, then visit us at right NOW and claim your
copy of this best-selling ecourse.

See you at the TOP!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1475

PS: You have three days ONLY to save $100! My computer
techy-programmer-website-guy is leaving to go out of town on
Thursday evening. So I told him that we're going to run
this special for the next three days and then change the
prices back before he leaves. So don't delay. Order today
and save today!