Subject: See you at the Top!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Hello to all of you in the Million Dollar Transportation
Community. These last few days have been absolutely
unbelievable in terms of receiving your emails, answering
your questions, and speaking with an untold number of you.

Answering emails is become its own full time job! But you
know what? When I receive such kind and generous feedback
from so many of you it more than makes it all worth while.
Because I've been so inspired by so many, I'm motivated to
contact all of you to share some thoughts from me as well as
from others.

Take for instance the following incredibly generous and very
complimentary email that I recently received from Harry L.

Hi Joel,

"I have a testimony about how I found out about your million
dollar medical transportation business. I was praying and
fasting for the Lord to show me a business opportunity where
I can serve and help people in my community. And, also
prosper financially where I can give back to the community
and God's kingdom building and become debt free. I turned on
my computer the same day and began to do a search for
business opportunities and your business was the first one
that I saw. I don't think that this was just by coincidence.
I truly believe that God revealed this opportunity to me
through my home computer. I told my wife about everything
but she hasn't fully supported me on this idea because
although we both make decent money we live out of a pretty
tight budget. I am currently studying your ecourse book now
and it is packed with hands on information. I think that you
must be a gift from God that you can learn a business the
hard way and show others how to do it the right way. I do
want to make the seminar on December 9, 2006 but
unfortunately I don't think that my finances are going to
allow me to make this one. But I am looking forward to
meeting you and hopefully I can make one soon. Meanwhile, I
do believe that this is the right business for me and I'm
going to do everything possible to make it work, and I'll
see you at the top."

Be Blessed,
Harry L. Brown, sr.

Needless to say, it's very flattering and incredibly
humbling to be referred to as "a gift from God." Last time
I checked, I was just a fat bald man working on taking more
vacations! But as I told Harry, I know of many people, such
as my competitors and others "fixtures" within this industry,
that I guarantee don't speak of me so highly as that of

But with all seriousness, Harry's generous compliments and
those from all of you are so very much appreciated. Further,
your endearing thoughts also motivate me to continue to
provide all of you with sound and legitimate information and
counsel as you start your own Million Dollar business.

In case you never noticed, the reason why I usually sign off
by saying "See you at the Top!" is because I plan on taking
so many of you with me.

A few weeks ago, someone made a humorous spoof on my
repeatedly signing off with this salutation. But in today's
lengthy ramblings, I want to share with you a quick little
secret of why I sign off with "See you at the Top!" and what
it really means.

Now, I'm sure you're probably asking yourself "What the heck
do I care about this simple message?" More so, "Joel, why
are you wasting my time with this babbling nonsense that I
could care less about?" Well, believe it or not, this quick
and simple little message actually serves a purpose – at
least for me if for no other reason.

So what does "See you at the Top!" mean? Where's "the Top"
and whose going to be at "the Top" when we get there?

Well, the truth be told, there is no "Top!" In my opinion,
there is no on final destination where you say "I'm here,
I've reached the Top." There is no point in life where you
say "I've done all I can do, I've given all I can give, I've
helped all I can help, and I've maximized my potential."

In life, in business, in education, in friendships, in
partnerships, in personal growth and development, there are
NO finish lines! Everyday is an opportunity for self
improvement, personal growth, and an opportunity to help

I know of many successful people that have worked hard,
sacrificed, and paid the price to become successful. But
many of them are of the opinion that others should have to
"go it alone" and figure out the secrets of success on their

You too may know of people such as this. They're snobbish
and think they're supposed to be the only one with lots of
money. They want to know what you're doing, but you'll
never hear them offering a suggestion or idea that can help

Regardless of people such as this, I'm of the opinion that
as you achieve success, as you begin to reach "the Top," you
need to send the elevator back down. BUT, unlike these
snobbish people, you don't send the elevator back down to
crush those below! Rather, I believe that you have a
responsibility to send the elevator back down to help bring
others up with you.

After all, unless you're helping to bring others to "the Top"
with you, "the Top" has got to be an awfully lonely place!

Maybe I'm just insecure or paranoid, but I don't plan on
being at "the Top" alone. And that's why my businesses, my
ecourse, seminars, and software have been such a humbling
experience. I'm blessed everyday to have the opportunity to
help my mother and family, my community, my staff and
employees, and all of you whom are working on building your
own Million Dollar businesses.

Take for example Joy. She purchased my ecourse earlier this
year and already has a fleet of ten vehicles and secured a
$500,000 contract. And, she still plans on attending the
Million Dollar Seminar because she still has much to learn
and improve upon. Joy openly admits that she hasn't reached
"the Top." But, she's definitely heading in the right
direction and ready to expand her business education and

Or, how about Brad Sholders? Brad also started with humble
beginnings and, like so many, followed the popular real
estate fixer-upper craze. He eventually started in the
transportation industry with a cab. But now, he has a fleet
of vehicles, he got Medicaid approved and now he's so busy
he's having trouble just trying to break away for our Million
Dollar Seminar. But, Brad's still coming. Why – because he
still hasn't reached "the Top." Brad is incredibly busy but
he'll be the first one to tell you that he still has much to
do and much to learn. And that's why he's coming to the
Million Dollar Seminar.

Trust me, there are so many more of you out there that I
have spoken to over the last few days that I would love to
recognize for your hard work, your great effort, and your
desire for continued growth and improvement. I send you all
my BIGGEST and best compliments and congratulations.
Further, if my information has at least a small part in
contributing to your growing success, then I am extremely

So as I sign off for today, I encourage all of you to keep
reaching for "the Top." In my opinion, we're never going to
arrive to a final destination. But, I promise that we'll go

If you haven't claimed your copy of my best-selling Million
Dollar ecourse, then I encourage you to visit us at Also, if you haven't
yet reserved your seat at our upcoming December 9th Million
Dollar Seminar, then I encourage you to stop wasting time
and do so NOW before it's too late. You can reserve your
seat at

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1475