Subject: Ready to be VIP?

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Hi Friend,

I hope this message finds you and yours doing well and that all your business endeavors are prospering.

I'm contacting you with a very unique and personalized opportunity. It is an opportunity that can help increase your entrepreneurial education in regards to this industry as well as help many others within the Million Dollar Transportation Community.

Let me start by giving you a little background.

Everyday I receive many, many emails. Literally, and without exaggeration, half my day is spent reading and responding to emails. And when I'm out of town (which is a lot this year because of some great vacations and some new projects planned) it's even worse for my staff.

Many of these emails consist of kind and generous words and compliments that I always appreciate receiving and reading. Others consist of great questions - some common and others very specific. And occasionally, I receive emails from haters - typically from existing transportation business owners angry because I share this Million Dollar information and continue to help others enter this industry. Some are even mad because this Million Dollar Opportunity isn't a get-rich-quick scheme.

As many of you know whom I've spoken to previously, I'm pretty good about reading and responding to your emails. But honestly, and with great humility, I have to tell you that over time the number of emails has continued to grow. And coupled with my travel schedule, I have simply been falling more and more behind in answering emails.

Thus, I have created a new site, a site that will allow me to focus the high majority of my attention and effort on those of you that are truly serious about building your own successful Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company.

This new site,, is a subscription based site which serves many purposes as follows:

1. As a member, you can post an unlimited number of questions for me to personally answer. These questions and answers can then be posted for all members to see, read, and learn from. Thus, everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community can now learn from each other and one another's experiences.

2. For subscriber's easy reference, all questions and answers will be categorized. Every time you log onto all you have to do is select a category that ranges from insurance, to Medicaid, to vehicles, to logistics, and many more. You can read and review any and all existing questions and answers in each category 24/7. And if you have a unique question, post it! All MDTVIP subscribers WILL receive my undivided attention.

In short, my time is short! So when it comes to answering questions, my time must be invested into those whom have invested in MDTVIP - bottom line. Why - because is going to serve as a hub for serious entrepreneurs within this industry. Now, I know that might sound mean and/or partial. But that's just the way it is. I simply have to focus my available time on those whom are serious.

3. As a member, you can meet and network with other like-minded entrepreneurs by listing your company name and contact info on our Business Network. And this Business Network is just that - a networking opportunity. If you've already incorporated your business, you can share your pertinent company info with everyone. You can find other's within your state and beyond.

Why is this important - because you never know when you're going to need someone's help. By partnering with owners in other regions you're able to share information and, if necessary, request assistance.

Imagine that one of your drivers, while in transport with a client traveling out of town, begins to experience vehicle problems. What is your contingency plan to ensure that (1) your client still arrives at their destination, and (2) you're able to service and recover your vehicle?

By establishing friendships and partnerships you can, under these circumstances, request that your vehicle be "shadowed" by a vehicle from another company. Should your vehicle become inoperable, your client can still arrive at their destination because your friend and owner in a completely different region served as your backup.

Examples such as this are not uncommon in the transportation industry. Circumstances and possibilities are endless.

Let's face it, in any business, it pays to know people. And the transportation industry is no different. Someday, you'll need someone's assistance as will they you! So Friend, don't ever dismiss the opportunity to meet and possibly form strategic partnerships.

Here's the deal, Friend. is absolutely brand spanking new! It's a "clean slate," a clean database, ready and waiting for you and other members. And by joining right now you can become a VIP member for ONLY $9.95 per month without any long-term obligation. You can cancel at any time. But you do have to join now if you wish to do so for ONLY $9.95 per month. Just visit us at right now and select "Sign Up."

My vision for MDTVIP is to create another focused and useful resource that will encourage everyone's success within the Million Dollar Transportation Community. And with your participation, we're all going to contribute to the creation of one heck of a Business Network! Further, we're going to provide questions, answers, resources, shared experiences and more for all of us to continue to share and learn from.

A short week or so ago I received an email from someone asking if he can invest in my ecourse, "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company," and get started in business or does he "have to buy into all my information in order to be successful."

I responded by telling him "no" he didn't have to invest into all my resource opportunities. In fact, I told him that if he's sick of hearing from me he can unsubscribe from my Million Dollar Newsletter at any time and never have to hear from me again.

But in my biased opinion, if I was starting my business all over again from the beginning I would want to read and learn as much as possible about this industry so as to further increase my chances for success. As I tell people, you should be like a dry sponge to water - soak everything up you can whenever you can! Why - because learning from others is faster and a whole heck of a lot cheaper than having to learn every lesson the hard way. Trust me - I know from first hand experience!

So Friend, if you'd like to be like that dry sponge to water, if you'd like to learn from others, if you'd like to post questions for me to answer, and if you'd like to join our Business Network, then I encourage you to join right now for ONLY $9.95 per month!

As always, see you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477