Subject: Quick Notes from Joel - Important

Saturday, October 19, 2024


Hello to all my friends in the Million Dollar Community.  We're continuing to gear up for our quickly approaching February 3rd Million Dollar Seminar. 

I've been getting a flood of emails and a bunch of phone calls over the last few days.  Many of you have been asking similar questions so I thought it appropriate to touch base with some quick notes.

First, you absolutely need to thoroughly read and review "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company" prior to attending the Seminar.  The Million Dollar Seminar contains critical information and instruction that is in addition to the information contained in the ecourse.  So please make sure that you read, re-read, and thoroughly review all of the info in the ecourse prior to attending the Seminar.

Next, there are no discounts for the Seminar.  As I mentioned in previous emails, this is the one and ONLY Seminar that I'll be hosting in 2007.  If you're serious about building your own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company then you'll find a way to be there.  Otherwise, keep you money warm in your wallet and stay home.  Those that are serious about moving forward are going to be there and six months, one year, three years, five years, and beyond those that attend will making money hand over fist.  Maybe you'll still have your $1000 in your wallet. 

I know that sounds mean and harsh to say, but it's true.  I've simply wasted too much money in starting my company years ago to learn all of these lessons that I'll be teaching you on February 3rd.  If someone offered me all of those lessons in exchange for $1000 I would have reserved four seats just for myself so I could lay down and enjoy the Seminar!

I know, I know.  $1000 is a lot of money - if I'm going to the store!  But not to learn a wealth of knowledge about how to build a Million Dollar business!  $1000 in exchange for a Million - Hello!  It's a lay-up!

Unfortunately, I'm not a slick salesman with great captivating one-liners - Sorry!  I simply don't have anything creative to convince you to attend our February 3rd Million Dollar Seminar.  But guess what, I'm not desperate to reserve seats anyways.  I ONLY want those that are serious about being there.  Again, if you're serious, you'll be there.  If not, just read about it.

Next, meals will be included.  Previous attendees will attest that I'm a big eater and love good food so we're definitely going to be eating well.  So don't worry about food or money on the day of the Seminar.   

Also, many have asked about Dispatching Made Easy.  Yes, you will have the opportunity to get a reduced copy of DME for only $300 - a savings of $197.95!  Kathy will also be demonstrating the software so it will definitely be a great opportunity.  Past attendees have appreciated this so I'm sure that you will too.

Well, I can't help but think that there's something that I'm forgetting.  But I don't remember what it is.  So, I'll just have to bug you again later once I remember it!

Anyways, February 3rd is our one and ONLY Million Dollar Seminar.  If you're serious about building a prosperous business and accumulating wealth, then you'll be there.  Or, you can sit home and do as you always do.

Those of you that are ready for change, I'll see you on the 3rd.  Feel free to contact us with any questions.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477