Subject: Pretty Incredible Situation - Must See!

Hello everyone, 

This is Dan.  I trust you can imagine the many crazy, interesting, and even outright horrific situations we see on our end.  The emails and comments that we sometimes share are just a very small fraction of what we see and encounter almost daily.  (Even the hater emails that Joel loves to share)

The following is correspondence from Sunday between Dawn and a provider.  Obviously, I have blocked out his name and state because we are always conscious to protect people's privacy.  As you read this, it would be easy to say "Maybe this provider is exaggerating" or "He must have done something wrong" or "He is making this up."

I can honestly say, we see this exact same scenario time and time again that it is a clear pattern of the brokers.  You might ask why, and the first answer would be because they can, especially if you are using their dispatching system and, essentially, give them full access to your business.  The second reason why they do this is because brokers are able to make and keep so much more money through simple administrative means.  They can, they have access to your dispatching an open door to your business, they control the flow to and from your business, and by withholding or deducting payments for work that you have done, it is an immediate boost to their margins and bottom line with no additional work.

I cannot stress to you enough, listen and follow Joel's principles in all areas to how you make money, what you do with your money, and how you "push money through your system" as he refers to it.  You might have a good relationship with your broker now and all might seem good.  You can continue to kick the can down the road saying you will never get screwed by them, but eventually you will.  You need to protect yourself and always put yourself in a situation where you are in control of your business and not someone else.

Thank you.

Best wishes,
Daniel M. Murphy
Online Manager
Maximus Management Group, Inc., P.O. Box 10, 13737, Bible School Park, United States
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