Subject: Nursing Home Staffing Issues

Hello to all my Million Dollar peeps!

We've sent out inquiries in search of motivated sellers in various locations and we'll continue to do so because we continue to work with ambitious buyers who see opportunity.

To add to the list, we're looking for a seller in the eastern half of Pennsylvania with a NON-Medicaid based NEMT business.  However, the other caveat is he does NOT want a Philly-based business.  He hates Philly.  

If you operate a profitable NEMT business in the eastern half of PA, you're not based in Philly, and you're not heavily Medicaid, please let us know.  We have a motivated buyer.

In regards to the title of this message, the growing nursing home staffing crisis, "the struggle is real," but it presents us with opportunity.  

For NEMT providers, facilities don't readily have available staff to support in-house transportation, and thus, are more inclined to outsource.

With inadequate and adversely disproportionate staff-to-resident ratio, the situation screams home care opportunity.  

Consider excerpts revealed in a recent US News article:

"There's a shortage of nursing home beds for the elderly in America due to a severe staffing crisis that has caused long-term care facilities to cut back on new admissions, new research shows."

"Three out of five nursing homes (61%) have limited new admissions due to staffing shortages, according to a survey conducted by the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) of 759 nursing home providers."

"The AHCA/NCAL survey found that 87% of nursing home providers are facing moderate to high staffing shortages, with nearly half (48%) struggling with a severe staffing shortage.  Nearly all providers said they are having trouble hiring staff (98%), and as a result are asking staff to work overtime or extra shifts (99%)."

"Medicaid is the primary payer for the "long-stay" nursing home residents who take up more than 80% of the beds in skilled nursing facilities, according to LeadingAge.  For decades, Medicaid has notoriously underfunded nursing home care, and this chronic underfunding left long-term care providers struggling to compete for qualified, dedicated caregivers."

"Nine out of 10 nursing home providers have offered increased wages and bonuses to attract new employees, but 76% said their current financial situation and lack of funding is an obstacle to offering competitive wages."

The list goes on and on, but I trust you understand the gravity of the situation.

Bottom line, even as conditions and circumstances change, there's ALWAYS opportunity!  

Even as diphtheria dip $hit politicians intentionally work to destroy the economy and place road blocks in front of us in an effort to crush the middle class, there's ALWAYS a way!  

Adapting, improvising, and cultivating creative solutions goes hand-in-glove with being an entrepreneur.    

Opportunity exists, it's our job to create solutions.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Maximus Management Group, Inc., P.O. Box 10, 13737, Bible School Park, United States
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