Subject: Must Read Documents

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community. I hope this message finds all of you doing well and that business is booming!

I have heard from many of you as of late that are moving forward and progressing successfully. I am always happy to help and learn of your growing success.

And for those of you that have joined and are obviously serious about this Million Dollar Opportunity, I have something VERY special for you. I know that this is definitely going to help with your business development education.

If you're a VIP member, I'm going to give you, FREE of charge, three very important resources as follows:

1. Detailed copies of a legal dispute that I fought with the Division of Human Rights.

In early 2006 I hired black male that came with experience from the Boston area. Unfortunately, I had to fire him within three days because (1) he kept disappearing and running off on our drivers that were training him, and (2) all he wanted to do was flirt and hit on women.

Obviously, this individual was a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen. Further, although he had great credentials and references, it was obvious that at least with us, he wanted to work according to his own schedule and agenda.

Long story short, after terminating this black male on the third day, he went to the Division of Human Rights and filed a suit against us claiming that we fired him because he is black.

Now first, my former business partner is black. Secondly, I have hired an untold number of minorities since my inception in 1999. And thirdly, this Claimant's supervisor, my Director of Operations at the time, is black!

But guess what - it didn't matter. Regardless of facts and circumstances, because this individual filed a claim with the Division of Human Rights they, by law, had to investigate. This investigation took well over a year. And as you probably guessed, by the end the case was dismissed and thrown out.

Although this entire situation was laughably ridiculous, it was another learning experience. And now, I'm going to share with you actual copies of everything!

To help educate, prepare, and insulate you from such headaches and hassles, you're going to get your hands on these documents from the Division of Human Rights and copies of several correspondences. You're going to clearly see how I didn't back down or get intimidated just because a government agency is "coming down on me" like the Gestapo. You're going to read and see for yourself how ridiculous this case is and how illogical our government agencies can be. Further, this information is going to help give you ideas and strategies on how to insult you from such problems. Because trust me, if you don't protect yourself, regardless of your nature of business or industry, you will expose yourself to a variety of liability issues.

2. The second series of documents that I'm going to give you for FREE is regarding a recent DOT permit that I got to expand my business.

Our business has been doing a lot of work with our local state university, SUNY Binghamton. We've been doing a lot of work for different departments within the university.

However, when I applied for this expanded permit it was initially granted. But then, one of my competitors decided to protest this application - and that's when the "fireworks started!"

Needless to say, you're going to enjoy this correspondence, between the New York State Department of Transportation and me.

First, you're going to see what a joke this one competitor is - the one protesting my application. If you will recall in previous correspondence, I talked about one of my competitors that's doing jail time for tax evasion. Well, it is his son now running this business. And man, are they beauties! But you're going to see what NOT to be like when you read their protest.

But you have to understand, even though this competitor is a schlep, because he filed a protest I had to stand up and fight with the state.

When you read this series of correspondence, you're going to discover how I quickly addressed and neutralized this protest so much so that just prior to our hearing my competitor withdrew his protest.

This series of documents is definitely going to give you insight into how the state addresses issues and how you need to address issues so as to accomplish your mission and always come out on top!

3. The third document that I'm giving you is an actual 17 page copy of an Acquisition Agreement. This Agreement literally cost me several thousands of dollars! Why - because it was an Agreement for me to purchase one of my competitors.

Long story short - several years ago I was going to purchase one of my competitors. Over a series of weeks I spent several thousands of dollars in legal fees to put everything in order for this acquisition. However, literally on the date that this Agreement was to be signed, my competitor backed out! His father, still the primary owner on paper of this business, decided against the deal and literally backed out at the midnight hour.

Needless to say, I was ticked off. I just spent thousands in legal fees all for not. But as I always say, some of the best deals are the deals that don't happen. And this was probably one of them.

But regardless, I'm going to give you a FREE copy of this high-priced Agreement. Several of you have mentioned how you're interested in purchasing an existing business. Well, I'm sure that this document can definitely help prepare and give you ideas and strategies for if/when you become involved in an acquisition.

So why am I giving all this information away - because if you're an member you're serious about building your business and our network. And honestly - my "loyalty lies with you." If you're serious about moving forward, I want to provide you with as much info and resources as possible to help ensure your success. I want you to avoid making the mistakes that I've made! I want you to be BIG on success and low on error!

As I say, a smart man learns from his mistakes. But a truly wise man learns from the mistakes of others.

Well, when you get your hands on these three important resources you're going to have exclusive insider access to my interaction with the state government, both DOT and Division of Human Rights, and you're going to learn of some of my interaction with my competitors.

And the best part, you get to learn from my experiences, both good and bad!

So how do you get your hands on this FREE information?

If you're an member, just call my office at (607) 797-1477, Monday-Friday, 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM, and speak with either Kathy or Trish. Just tell them that you're calling to get your hands one the "Three Key Documents" and they'll know what you're talking about.

Because this information is a series of many documents and actually pretty thick, all I ask is that you pay for printing and shipping. Just give Kathy or Trish your address and pay for printing and shipping and these "Three Key Documents" will be shipped to you ASAP.

As always, I'll see you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis  
(607) 797-1477

PS: Don't forget. If you're a VIP member, you can invest in my Million Dollar Seminar DVD Series and my best-selling Dispatching Made Easy Software for ONLY $300 each! That's a savings of $197.95!