Subject: Million Dollar Update

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Greetings from all of us at Million Dollar Transportation to all of you!

This broadcast is for all of you planning on attending our upcoming June 3rd Million Dollar Seminar.

If you have already reserved your seat, I send you sincere thanks and appreciation. My staff and I are excited and look forward to meeting you and helping to build your own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company.

Many of you have reserved multiple seats – and that\'s awesome! If you\'re planning on starting your business with a spouse or a business partner I strongly encourage you to bring him/her. All within your business need to share a common vision and focus - and the Million Dollar Seminar is definitely going to help you and your partner(s) get focused and headed in the right direction.

For those of you that have already reserved more than one seat, I am asking you to either send me or Kathy, my Office Manger, a quick email with the name(s) of the person(s) who will be accompanying you.

I already have the names for some of you, but many I don\'t. So again, if you have already reserved multiple seats please contact me at or Kathy at All I need is a quick note with the names of attendees for reservation purposes.

Also, I\'m sure that many of you may still be working on travel arrangements. However, if you\'re planning on flying in and you need a ride to and from the airport on Friday, June 2nd and Sunday, June 4th, then we will need you to contact our office by no later than Friday, May 26th. You can contact our office at (607) 797-1475. Just ask for Kathy and we\'ll get your flight info.

You have probably already read, reviewed, and studied the information in \"How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company.\" However, I encourage you to do so again prior to attending the Million Dollar Seminar. We\'re going to be cramming in a lot of info during the Seminar as well as doing some hands-on-training. So to maximize our learning time, you will want to be well-versed in the information contained within the e-course.

Many of you have also asked questions about your FREE copy of Dispatching Made Easy that you will receive on June 3rd at the Seminar. We will be discussing many dispatching and logistical issues, but we may not have enough time to go into great detail about the \"How To\'s\" of this software. But don\'t worry. Dispatching Made Easy is just that – EASY!

I designed Dispatching Made Easy to be incredibly easy for anyone to download, learn, and use. There\'s also a Help Tutorial on the software program that will give further details and instructions.

I know you will be happy with Dispatching Made Easy. My staff loves it so I\'m sure that you will too.

Again, thanks for reserving your seat. We look forward to meeting and helping you on June 3rd!

Warmest regards,
Joel E. Davis

PS: Don\'t forget to send me a quick email with the names of people within your party! See you soon.