Subject: Make a Cornerstone Choice

Saturday, October 19, 2024


Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community.  I hope that this message finds all of you doing well and that business is booming!

I'd like to share with a really great testimonial that I recently received.  I receive plenty of emails every day.  But I can guarantee you that I never grow tired of receiving such kind well wishes. 

"Oh my goodness!!  This is the most comprehensive book imaginable. I did not expect all of this for less than a hundred bucks! We have procrastinated for weeks to purchase this and now I am soooo glad we did. Happens so that my husband is newly unemployed and we have been contemplating this for quite some time (before his unemployment). I have researched information and spoke with a couple I know that has been in the business for quite some time but neither has given us such helpful information. Now we are going to overcome this fear of entrepreneurship and press forward with your book. I pray that you have continued success because you are a blessing to others!!"

God Bless,
Allyson Thomas

I share this with you because I can absolutely guarantee you that there are even more people like Allyson out there that are, as I say, scared to "pull the trigger."  Hopefully, Allyson's short, yet honest and powerful, testimonial can help to motivate and inspire you finally taking action.

This past week I gave an hour long speech to the Honor Society of our local university.  It was a great and well received opportunity (I've since been invited back for more speeches - just trying to show off a little!).

My topic was The Power of Choice and I'll quickly share with you a synopsis of my message so that if you're like Allyson and her husband, hopefully you can work to overcome your fears and take bold action.

I began my speech by relating it to science.  Newton's Third Law states that for "every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  As you sit in your chair you're applying a force downward while the chair applies an equal and opposite force upward.  These forces are equal and opposite - no more, no less.

However, within all of use lies a power that is far greater than science and Newton's Third Law.  It is the Power of Choice.  And unlike Newton's Third Law, The Power of Choice is not a 1:1 ratio.  The forces are NOT equal and opposite. 

I define the Power of Choice as "an incredible powerful force that is NEVER equal and opposite in nature and can yield ramification that are either positive or negative." 

A short few years ago one of my sisters was walking across the street holding the hand of one of her daughters when a speeding 19 year old college student talking on his cell phone crashed into my sister and sent her in the air forty five feet.  My sister was fortunate to live as she was unconscious and unresponsive for quite some time.  She has since endeared eight surgeries and has more scheduled.  My sister walks with a permanent limp and will never wear shorts or a bathing suit again.  Further, my sister, a nurse by trade, has never been able to return to work at the maternity ward from one of our local hospitals.  

Now think about that for a moment.  As you sit in your chair there is a ratio of 1:1 - no more, no less.  But the ramification of your choices and actions can be infinite and immeasurable. 

One simple action by an immature 19 year old that probably thought he was invincible has forever changed the life of my sister and her family.  And because the legal fallout of this accident is still ongoing, the ramifications for this speeding student, now well into his young 20's, are still yet to be determined.

Just as you're applying Newton's Third Law in everything you do and every step you take, so do you apply the Power of Choice.  From the minute swing your feet out of bed and onto the floor you're making continued choices.  You can stay in bed and be a slug, or you can plant your feet and choose to seize the day!

Newton's Third Law is universal and applies to everyone, everywhere.  So does the Power of Choice.  It doesn't matter your race, creed, color, sex, origin, or anything.  The Power of Choice is universal to all of us.

Understanding and now identifying the Power of Choice, there are five actions that I suggest you take.  They are as follows:

1. Develop a long-term perspective.  Define who you are and where you want to be 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years and beyond.

2. Analyze, evaluate, and define who you are and then develop effective solutions for improvement.  Be absolutely honest with yourself.  Define your personal strengths and weaknesses and develop solutions for consistent and continued improvement.

3. Develop strategies and opportunities for success while releasing and discharging excess baggage, distractions, and "dead wood."

4. Maintain an expectancy of success.  Will you face obstacles?  Yes.  Will you have challenges and set backs?  Yes.  But it's essential that you maintain an expectancy of success because when you do, success will find you.

5. Sow your seeds of greatness every single day.  On a daily basis, commit to being great, not average.  Why work to survive when you can work to thrive?  Sow your seeds of greatness everyday and into those people around you. 

Now, obviously this is a painfully short and condensed version of my speech.  But I hope that these quick highlights plant a few seeds for thought in you.

Every day you make an untold number of choices.  But as I mentioned in my speech, the average person is going to make a short few Cornerstone Choices that will define the rest of their life. 

I believe that I've made two cornerstone choices thus far in my life.  The first was to dedicate my efforts to getting a football scholarship and a free college education.  The second was to become an entrepreneur.  Both choices have defined me for countless reasons - far too many to discuss in this message.

But now, Allyson has made a Cornerstone Choice.  Like thousands of others, she's finally chosen to "pull the trigger" and take bold action and become an entrepreneur.  And the good news, because Allyson and her husband have chosen to build their own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company, I'm going to be there to help!

Everyday you're faced with choices.  They're either going to be good or bad, positive or negative.  And, if you're ready to take bold action, they may even be a Cornerstone Choice that will significantly and greatly influence the rest of your life.

The Choice is yours!

As always, I wish you all well and best wishes.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477

PS:  I'm off to England, Ireland, and more.  But I will be sending out some very important emails in the very near future with some powerful information and opportunities.  So, make sure that you keep your eyes on your emails.  You won't want to miss these opportunities - they WON'T last forever!

PSS:  If you're ready for bold action.  If you're ready to make a Cornerstone Choice, you can choose to be an entrepreneur today.  Visit us at and invest in "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company."