Subject: Make Plans ASAP!

Million Dollar Transportation Community

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

Well, it's official!  My quickly approaching Million Dollar Seminar will
be hosted in my hometown in upstate New York.

The date is March 19, 2011.  So, check your calendar ASAP and
start making your travel arrangements! 

This is going to be another awesome event because on Friday night,
the 18th, my wife and I are hosting an exclusive party at our home for
the first ten attendees to reserve their seats!

Because there is always some great networking at my Million Dollar
Seminars, Friday night will be a great opportunity for many of us to
meet, greet, and network!

And have no fears, knowing the I'm a "Fat Man" and love my food,
there will be great food and drink!

The following is a link to learn more, reserve your seat at the
and get hotel information.

Click Here Now to Reserve Your Seat at the Million Dollar Seminar

The Seminar will be hosted at the Hampton Inn & Suites for which
they will be holding a select number of discounted rooms until
February 25th.  So make sure that you make your travel

Also, the Hampton Inn & Suites has provide a link via my site from
where you can make your hotel reservations directly online - Easy!

And as a reminder, my last Million Dollar Seminar sold out for
there is a number of people that were unable to attend and
will be in
attendance at my March Seminar.  So make sure you
reserve ASAP
and make your travel plans sooner rather than later.

Again, there were a number of people that were unable to attend
my previous Seminar because it was sold out.  So make sure that
you reserve your seats ASAP!

We have a lot to do and a lot to learn! 

And again, the first ten people are invited to an exclusive get
together at my house on Friday night.  So make sure you keep
checking your email for further details.

Click Here Now to Reserve Your Seat at the Million Dollar Seminar

It's a new year and so many of you are poised to make 2011
better than last year.  Join me on Friday night for our exclusive 
gathering and our Seminar on the 19th!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

Learning from someone whose never done it themselves is like
following a blind man in the dark!

PS: the following is link to a video of emails that I recently posted.
I got some great emails of appreciation so I'm posting it again for
your convience.  Check it out!

Click Here to Watch Video