Subject: Love the Irish

Thursday, September 26, 2024


Hello to everyone in the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  I hope this message finds all of you doing well and prospering!  I hope that health is good and business is BOOMING!

It's good to be able to speak with all of you once again.  I've spent the last two wonderful weeks in England and Ireland and have been hard at work vacationing and site seeing.  But now that I'm back in the US for a few weeks, I am overjoyed to read so many of your wonderful emails, feedback, and thoughts.

And by the way, for all of you that are of Irish decent, you have much to be proud of.  Ireland is absolutely awesome!!  My traveling mate and I couldn't find a single unhappy or mean-spirited Irishman.  Dublin is one of the best cities in the world if not THE best.  If you've never been - GO!  It's absolutely awesome.

In my absence, Kathy has done a marvelous job in answering much of your questions and emails.  She also saved a lot of feedback for which I would like to share with you my top three as follows:


Number 3

"Your DVD's were a welcomed surprised.  When we saw your advertisement for them we knew the timing was right since we weren't able to afford travel expenses for two.  But your DVD's really put us in the audience.  We love them Joel and have already watched the entire series twice and many other parts more than that.  My husband filled the workbook with tons notes.  We can't thank you enough.  Thanks."

Dan and Beverley Chadwick, KS



Number 2

"Joel, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for providing me and I'm sure many others with such quality information.  Honestly, and I'm sure it might sound a cliché, but without you and wouldn't know where I would be in starting this business.  Your ebook and DVD's are absolutely phenomenal.  I can't express in words how impressed I am with your willingness to share such exclusive information.  Your information leaves nothing to chance and literally answers all my questions."

"...DME is great.  I know it is going to help make my job a lot easier.  Thanks for the discounted opportunity.  It's a big help"

"Thanks for emails and the great information.  Keep it coming!  I hope someday you and I are able to meet and have a beer.  I'll meet you at the top!"

Eric Hollister,
Premier Providers, LLC



Number 1

"Dear Joel, my husband and I write to you with sincere appreciation.  Your ecourse was the inspiration for starting our business a little more than one year ago.  Now, your DVD series has provided us with further thoughts, ideas and insight that are nothing short of incredible.  After viewing your series several times over we have already put pen to paper and developed several strategies that will allow us to focus our marketing and increase sales."

"We're currently operating with three vehicles and plan to double by the end of this year.  Your ideas with hospitals and nursing homes are phenomenal and right on the mark so we feel very confident that we will achieve this goal.  The growth opportunities are there, we just need to continue to follow your strategies and principals and we know we will get there.  Thank you again Joel for your wonderful assistance and opportunity."

Darin and Laura Miller
DLM Transport Services, LLC


I would like to thank all of these people and all of you for your kind and generous words.  I always appreciate receiving them and cannot tell you how overjoyed I am to be of assistance.

For all of you that have delayed, for whatever reason, in investing in your copy of my popular Million Dollar DVD Series I ask you, what's the hold up?  Other's are getting their "front row seats" so why not you?

If you're ready to take the next step in your business, then let's stop wasting time.  Visit us now at and your copies of this DVD Series will be rushed to your door via certified mail.

Seriously, after returning from such a wonderful trip I can't tell you how great an investment this will be for you.  All of my efforts years ago in starting my own medical transportation company were more than well worth it.  And when you invest in this DVD Series you're going to get insider access to everything I did to keep turning corners of success so that I can take long vacations several times a year, so that I could by my mother a house, and much, much more.

If you're ready to take hold of your financial future and build your own successful business, then let's roll!  Visit us now at


See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477