Subject: Lot of Questions & Feedback....

My West Coast Seminar
Friday, September 27, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!  As
always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that business
is booming!

Thank you all so much for your many emails with questions and info
regarding my upcoming California Seminar and my new resource, How to
Build a Million Dollar Home Care Agency.

I apologize to those of you that I have been slow to respond to.  I have been
traveling that last few days and Dan, my Online Manager, has been busy
trying to respond as well as managing other projects.

I know there is a lot going on and a lot of info coming out.  I don't want to
flood your emails and bog you down with too much info. But if you're
serious about attending my upcoming West Coast Seminar and learning
more about my Home Care manual, then please make sure to keep
checking your email.

If you're serious about being successful in the industry, if you're serious
about expanding and diversifying your business, if you're serious about
networking, connecting with, and learning from others within the industry,
if you're not making as much money as you would like, if you're not
increasing your net worth literally on a daily basis, then I would definitely
encourage you to reserve your seat for my California Seminar.

We have a LOT to do and discuss over this weekend seminar.  This will
definitely be my only seminar on the west coast.  So don't miss this
opportunity.  This will be a great opportunity for you and all our attendees.

Click Here Now to Learn More About Joel's California Seminar

How to Build a Million Dollar Home Care Agency

In regards to my new Home Care manual, wow!  I was not expecting to
receive any copies of this resource until this coming week.  The copies
that we did receive this past week, all sold out within the day...without an
active website!

So much and many thank you's and even more much and many
congratulations to all of you that invested in this manual.  You're going to
love it and definitely use it to further grow, expand and diversify! 

If you haven't yet watched the video introducing you to this recourse and
this opportunity, then definitely watch the video below.

Click Here to Watch Joel's Home Care Video

As of right now, I anticipate receiving the rest of our first printing of How to
Build a Million Dollar Home Care Agency later this week.  As soon as we
do, my web designer will activate our site.  If, by chance, we receive the
rest of our delivery early I will let all of you know ASAP!

For those of you that are serious and you want to reserve your copy in
advance, then email us and let us know.  We will email you an electronic
invoice that you can pay in advance.

Again, ONLY email us if you are serious!!  Some people emailed us and
never responded.  Trust me, with all due respect, our time is as valuable
to us as yours is to you.  So if you're less than serious, please, let's not
waste anyone's time.

This is a first come first serve basis.  So as we receive your requests and
payments we will fulfill and ship your orders as they are received.  If we
exceed our first printing, for those of you that delay, you will have to wait
for our second printing.

If you wish to order a copy of How to Build a Million Dollar Home Care
Agency in advance, email us at
Please make sure that you specify "Home Care Agency" in the subject

Your order will be shipped via certified mail with the US Postal Service.

And yes, we will, to a limited degree, be discussing the Home Care
Agency during my West Coast Seminar when we discuss diversification
and increasing your net worth.

Well, I could ramble on forever, but I will cut it off here as we all have
much to do!  So check us out and reserve yoru Seminar Seat and make
appropriate reservations.  I look forward to meeting all of you Friday night
for our Meet & Greet!

Click Here to Reserve Your Seat for Joel's California Seminar

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group